This week we wrapped up our sermon series titled Jesus is Greater. In this series, we’ve discovered how Jesus is greater than everything! This week we take that truth and apply it to our problems and the giants we face. It’s easy to let our troubles and temptations and challenges seem so large that they’re all we see. But what would happen if we stopped looking at the giant problem and started looking at the giant God?

This is the thrust of 1 John 4:4 when the writer reminds us that he who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. It’s a reminder that the evil, horrible and downright destructive forces at work in the world are often huge, no doubt! But if the same God is inside us that was present in creation and in the story of Jonah, then we can realize quickly that our God is greater than our problems!

Think about it this way. Often the most memorable part of a situation is the problem. Take the story of Jonah for instance. Most of us would say that the most memorable part of the Jonah story is that he was swallowed by a great fish! But the book of Jonah is four chapters long and only three sentences out of those four chapters talk about the fish! That means the rest of the book is focused elsewhere. What would happen if we stopped looking at the giant fish and focused on our Giant God!