Grace changes everything!

Yesterday we had the chance to gather as a family of believers to say our final earthly good-byes to a man that some called father, others called grandfather, many called pastor and I called mentor. We took a few minutes to pause and share stories of remembrance. We thanked God for who he was and the evidence of God’s love we saw in his life and in his death.

I’ve had several comments about the message I was honored to preach to the family and friends gathered, so I wanted to share it. I don’t share it because I think it’s worth sharing. I share it because some found hope nestled between the words that fell from my lips. Somehow God chose to use me yesterday to bring an element of joy, peace and comfort in what could have been a terribly sad day.

If you’ve lost someone close, suffer with affliction or have troubles in your own life, then below find two links that I pray will bring you some comfort and help to refocus your life a bit today. The first link is to the message preached at the funeral yesterday. The second is a link to a sermon where we realized that suffering always precedes glory. I pray they give you some sense of hope and peace today.

Funeral Message For Rev. James Stalder –