We often try to put God into some sort of box. I’m not sure why we do it but it’s pretty much a fact of our humanity. Perhaps it’s because if we put him in a box, then we feel we can understand him a little better. Perhaps if we cram him into some tiny, little space then we feel as if we can pull one over on him. I’m not really sure but I know that we all tend to do it from time to time.

But who is God? What is God? How do we interact with him on a regular basis? The bible is full of different descriptions of God but one that seems to come up multiple times is that God is our Father. He invites us to call him Daddy. He’s not some distant ruler. He’s not some idol sitting on a pole that can’t be touched. He’s our Father. He desires to have a relationship with us, his children.

Now this is where we have to be careful about that whole shoving God in a box thing. Some of us have wonderful experiences with our dads. We spend time with them. They love us and demonstrate it by their words and their actions. But what about those who don’t have a good view of an earthly father? If we view God as Father and we have a bad image of fathers based on our daily experience then we run the risk of not seeing God how he desires us to see him. Read these words from the song:

You’re a good, good Father,
It’s who you are. 
And I’m loved by you
It’s who I am

When I have a clear understanding that God is my Father and they he seeks my best interests, it completely changes who I am. Because God is my Good, Good Father I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am loved and cared for – regardless of how I am treated by anyone in this world, including my own earthly dad! So for those of you who have had the unfortunate experience of an earthly dad who just wasn’t there for you listen to these words of promise about a God who wants to be there for you. All you have to do is let him be your Good, Good Father.