Fight or flight? Which is your go to? I know some people who run for the hills when trouble hits. They bury their head in the sand or flee and retreat to a corner and just break. Then there are the other kinds of people who come out with guns blazing ready to take out anyone who comes in the way of their ideas. Which are you? And is there a better option? 

This week’s #musicmonday is about that third answer. It’s about fighting but for a purpose. The premise of this week’s song is simple. Never give up. Always keep fighting. But don’t fight for you. Don’t fight for your cause or your organization. Fight the good fight.

The good fight is the never give up always look to the answer kind of fight. It’s the fight that allows you to sing when your song is gone. No matter what happens in life, as long as you have breath in your lungs and blood pulsing through your veins you keep fighting. There’s no problem so big that your God can’t overcome it. There’s no pain so intense that he can’t heal it. There’s no separation so distant that he can’t bridge it.

Today I want you to fight. Fight like it doesn’t depend on you. Fight a fight bigger than your hurt and your disappointment. Fight a fight that someone else already won for you. Until that last breath is taken and until the last beat of your heart, you fight like you’ve never fought before. Because the fight you’re fighting is one that God gave you the tools to fight. He’s in your corner. He’s fighting for you and with you. You’re not alone and never will be. He’s walking alongside you when times are good. He’s there when times just flat stink. Bottom line he’s not gonna stop fighting for you so you keep fighting the good fight!