IJesusSaysCollage recently ended a sermon series titled Jesus Says at Living Word. The whole series was intended to aim us at the power of God’s words. Here’s what I believe about the words of God.

I believe that God’s word has power. It has the power to do exactly what it says. Like when God spoke in Genesis Let there be… Well, there was. I believe that His word carries His very power and His presence. I believe that God’s words speak not only His intent but also the ability to accomplish that which He desires.

I know that’s a hard one to get the mind around. We live in a world where people say one thing and all too often end up doing the exact opposite. Whether it’s our spouse, children, government officials, the advertisements on television or even ourselves – inconsistency is all over the world. Unfortunately this inconsistency, or hypocrisy, is also found in the church. As human beings, Jesus followers are just as prone to doing the wrong thing as the next person, but that’s not how God operates.

When God says something, He makes sure that it happens. But it doesn’t stop there. God’s word also has power in our daily lives, not just in the days of the bible. I personally believe that God’s word has the ability to do something inside me. It works some supra-natural change in me that nothing else has been able to do.

In my estimation there are four basic things that happen when God’s word penetrates our hearts, and this was the thrust of the series of message titled Jesus says. The first thing that happens is that we listen, and this is a hard one. Listening may sound easy but it’s actually one of the most difficult things we have to do in our lives. We tend to fill our minds with all sorts of nonsense, judgments, and responses to the point that we often neglect the real message being communicated. The first message in this series, Jesus says…we listen, can be found here. Feel free to give it a listen.

The second change that happens in us when we really start to listen to God’s word is that we begin to realize we can trust Him. We don’t trust because we were told to trust God. That’s not how I operate. Trust happens after we check the words of the bible against what we see everyday. It will happen. I know it. If you’re really looking for the things of God’s word, you’ll recognize that He is trustworthy.

Our third response is to see things differently. When we truly listen and begin to trust the words and promises of God, we’ll begin to see the things around us in a whole new light. The bread and wine in communion have new significance when we listen and trust the promise that God is really present. The words of the bible take on a whole new life when they are trusted as true. Believing is the ability to see something whether or not it’s visible.

The fourth response to consider is definitely not something we can do on our own. You see, when God’s word penetrates our lives in this new, life-giving way we begin to soar. Not with wings and feathers but soar to new heights. We begin to realize that all things are possible when Christ is at the core of it all. When we listen to and trust the power of God’s word and our eyes are opened to see things differently we will be set free to soar like an eagle.

It doesn’t matter where you are on the spectrum because this is s lifelong journey. Take a moment to hear what Jesus says. You’ll be amazed at His power when it comes alive in you.