Imagine a day when you feel like you’ve been dragged behind a truck. You’re physically beat down. Emotionally worn out. Mentally exhausted. You have nothing left. You’ve been pretending for a long time. YOu’ve pretended that you have it all together. You’ve pretended that everything was good, but you’re not fooling anyone – yourself included! 

You think you have to pretend because no one will understand. You feel like you have to hide inside yourself and behind your feelings because if anyone saw the real you they wouldn’t accept you anymore.  So you put on a happy face and tell everyone around you that everything is ok, meanwhile inside you’re dying a little every day. You’re carrying a burden no one was meant to carry – yourself included!

But something happens the longer you carry that burden. The longer you pretend the more tolerance you have for the problem. The longer you hide it inside the less of yourself you’re able to find. You begin to lose who you really are. You get lost in the fake and pretend world of everything is fine.

No where in life does it say that everything has to be fine. Nowhere in the rulebook of existence does anyone tell you that everything has to be perfect all of the time. The bible doesn’t even paint that picture. Look at Job or Peter or many of the others in the Bible. They had lives that kind of sucked at times. And they all thought that no one knew.

But there is someone who knows the truth about us, even when we don’t know the truth! God only knows. He alone knows the depth of our pain and the weight of our burden. He alone knows the hurt inflicted by loneliness. He alone knows how tight anger has grabbed our hearts. But there’s something else he knows.

God alone knows how big his love is for us. The essence of the gospel message is simply that God alone knows, God alone cares, God alone can do for us what we could never do. God alone can love us when everyone dismisses us. You see God only knows the real you and what makes this so special is that he still loves you. He knows everything about you! The good, bad and ugly parts of you and he loves you all the same!

You see God only knows and my prayer is that you find comfort that his knowing and his loving are enough for even the hardest day. There’s a kind of love that God only knows. It’s the love he has for you.