7.7.GodIsOnTheMove_323149451It’s easy at times in our lives to be discouraged but there’s a great reason for hope in this life. There are all kinds of statistics that cause great fear in the lives of the people of the church. In North America roughly 4000 churches close each and every year, while only 1000 new ones start. That’s a crazy statistic that appears as if the church is failing miserably in the world today. 

Yet there is something pretty powerful happening all around us that may not get the same air time. There is a great emphasis by many followers of Jesus to stay true to the words of Jesus. There’s a strong push by men and women of faith across the world to hold fast to the power and promise of God in the scriptures.

While the church may not be advancing in this era as much as it has in the past, God is still on the move. People are coming to know Jesus through witness of his church. An example of this is the little church I’m privileged to serve in central Ohio. Through the past three years we’ve nearly doubled in worship attendance. We’ve seen people baptized into the forever family of God. Men and women are moving along a discipleship pathway we’ve established. And it’s not about me or even the wonderful character of the people I serve. It’s all about God. God is certainly on the move.

The next time you’re down in the dumps and don’t know which way is up – just look at the darkness being obliterated by the light in the early morning hours. God is in that light. Look at the power of someone serving without expectation of payment or any return. God is on the move. Church it’s time to stand in confident assurance of the message we have. Stand on the power of Jesus. It’s not about your message. It’s not about your practical traditions. It’s not about how much you are growing but how God is moving among you.

The power and presence of Jesus are all around us. God is certainly on the move. Perhaps we should get out of the way and let Him do the work.