JasonGrayReleasesSingle-GlowInTheDark-onMay15-250x250-May2015Pretty sure we’ve all been there. You know one of those – my life just flat stinks kind of days. You wake up and think it would have been better if you’d have just stayed in bed kind of days. This week’s song is Glow in the Dark by Jason Gray. 

He has a couple of songs that I really love. But this one just spoke to me this morning. The line that says life puts a fist right in your ribs. That line really hit hard. Sometimes with every passing minute you just keep getting hit. One after another, the hits just keep coming. You want to stop. You want to give up.

But here’s the really cool part of this song. People expect you to be upbeat and filled with light when your life is going perfectly. But when life stinks? Not so much, right? As followers of Jesus, we have the opportunity to carry the radiant light of the love of Jesus with us no matter how much life starts to suck. In the darkness, we all too often pray for life to get better. But what if God wanted to let us reflect his light into the lives of those around us in the midst of our brokenness?

If you’re shattered like a piece of glass, there’s more surface area for the light to refract into the lives of those around you. Have you ever seen a window splintered? Think of how the light catches all of the cracks and shards of glass. The glare is sometimes pretty intense. That’s exactly what Jason Gray is singing about here.

The darker your life situation, the more broken you are right now – the brighter the love of Jesus can shine through you. You don’t need to have it all together to give a testimony of God’s love for you. You just need to shine right where you are. So today, take your brokenness and put it right in the place God planted you. Take your broken heart and your fractured emotions and let them catch the plan of God for you. But first put on your sunglasses because when your life is placed into the hands of Christ there’s a pretty good chance the light around you will be so intense you won’t be able to stand it.