Over the past several weeks I’ve been growing Other Butterflyincreasingly aware of a problem in our society. There are women in our world who are devalued and even mistreated just because they are women. There are women who believe that they only hold value for their bodies and the pleasure they give to men with their bodies. 

A couple of months ago I had a chance to hear an amazing woman speak about her trials in the sex industry. She felt trapped in this industry and didn’t know how to get out. She was broken and hurting but didn’t even know it. She thought her value as a person was wrapped up in the life she lived as a stripper. But one day she was opened to a new thought. She was opened to the idea that her life is valuable to someone, not because of her body or her accomplishments, but she was valued because she is loved. She finally realized that she is cherished by God.

This was the moment that her new ministry began. The ministry is called We Are Cherished. It’s an outreach to women in strip clubs and others trapped in the sex industry. The ministry is aimed at loving the girls trapped in this lifestyle and letting them know that God wants to be their Father and love them and cherish them.

Locally, I’ve been in communication with the Ohio arm of this ministry. We’ve talked about ways to get involved and some of their greatest needs. Honestly their greatest need is financial. The ministry aims at providing helps for the butterflies as they emerge from the entrapment of the industry. They help by providing counselors and finding jobs.

Here at Living Word, we’re working to do what we can to help them reach their financial goals. We Are Cherished Ohio has a goal of $10,000 to help give the butterflies their wings. If you want to help, we have set up a fund called the Butterfly Fund. Just make the check out to Living Word and put Butterfly Fund in the memo line. Then mail the check (or drop it off) at 7539 Dustin Road, Galena, Ohio 43021.

We would love to have you partner with us in helping these Butterflies find their wings!