There’s a lot of ink that’s been spilled about believing and having faith. The Bible is even filled with talk on this subject. Believing is important for certain! We’re called to believe and be baptized. We’re told that faith without works is dead. Jesus wants us to have faith even like the size of a mustard seed and we can move mountains. But is there more to this Christian life than mere faith? Are we called to do more than just believe?

It’s true believing is important but we’re not called to believe in isolation. We’re called to believe in fellowship with one another. We’re called to belong. Jesus called twelve disciples, not just one. He sent them in pairs not as individuals. Paul talks about the body of Christ and all being members of it. The writer to the Hebrews says it this way.

Let is not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day approaching. Share on X

Belonging means we take our belief and make it personal. We internalize what we believe and then apply it to our day to day relationships. Belonging means we stay connected not only to our faith in Christ but our love for one another. Christians gather on Sunday mornings to worship together. This is part of belonging but it goes much deeper than just an hour on a Sunday. Belonging brings us to sharing life together everyday of the week. We check on one another. We pray for one another. We study the Bible together. We live in friendship and relationship together with one another.

Let’s be more than just believers. Let’s be belongers!