Friends are something that all too often are overlooked. I’m not talking about a friend who’s here one day and gone the next but a real friend. A real friend is one who is there with you through the greatest of times and sticks around when everything is falling apart. A friend isn’t there for themselves but there for you. A true friend can see your hurt and is comfortable just being present to hold you up when you’re too weak to stand. Friends bring fun and exciting things to life and can put a smile on our faces just by walking in a room.

If you have a friend like this, hold on tight! Don’t let this kind of friend go. This kind of friend is absolutely priceless! This kind of friendship is one of the most valuable parts of our lives.

This week’s Music Monday is a throwback to a couple of decades ago when this song was first released. It’s a look ahead to Thanksgiving when these friendships are something mentioned in our celebrations of thanks. Friends are friends forever if the Lord is the Lord of them. You see the thing that makes these friendships so strong and so powerful is that time and distance can’t impact this friendship! No matter where life takes you this friend will always be there with you through the most joyous and darkest times. These friends who are linked to you in Christ surround you like the warmth of the sun. They can change the way we see things in life and even hold us when the weight is just too much to bear.

This week take a minute to share with your friend(s) how special they really are to you. Tell them how they’ve gotten you through some rough times. Remind them how special they are and the place they hold in your life. When the Lord is the center of the friendship, there’s nothing that can change it…not distance…not time…not darkness…nothing. May the Lord be the Lord of your friendships. May you be filled by the love of close friends this holiday season. And remember no matter what life throws your way, this friend will be there to carry you through.

No matter where you go and where you land in life find comfort and peace in this lasting friendship.