Who doesn’t want to be successful? Some of you will put on your humble pants and step onto your soapbox, start wagging your finger and pointing out how this idea of successful living isn’t appropriate for a follower of Christ.  Put the finger away. Calm down. Listen up. I know this sounds a little self-serving and even completely contrary to what you would normally expect to read from a pastor, but hear me out. This week at Living Word Galena we’re talking how to be successful. 

On Sunday we’re going to dive into a message from the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy. It’s a book that literally means second giving of the law. But let’s get to the success part of things. If you know the story of the Israelite people of the Old Testament, you’ll know that they had their moments of success but more often what we read of them deals with failures, blunders and even moments of wandering away from God. But something curious happens in the middle of it all. God offers a formula for successful living.

He tells them exactly what they have to do in order to have the life that will ultimately be the best for them. So the title may be a tad misleading in that we all define success differently. And those of you who ended up with your pants in a bunch probably assumed you knew where this was going. But we’re not talking success in worldly terms. We’re not talking money, power, prestige and position – although we can’t ignore these facts of life either! We’re talking the successful life that God calls us to live. We’re talking living a life that’s really worth living.

As you prepare for our time together in worship this week, dive into Deuteronomy 4:1-9. Just read through it. Highlight the words or phrases that sound interesting or challenging. Pick up the phrases that seem most difficult for you or the ones that seem to be easier than others.

Then take  few minutes to consider what God might be teaching you through these words. I’d love for you to share your thoughts. What is one thing that would change in your life if you applied this passage of scripture? Join me Sunday as we open this passage and see God’s plan for a successful life!

If you’re not able to be with us on Sunday check back Sunday afternoon for the podcast on iTunes, GooglePlay, and Stitcher. Or check out our podcast feed here.