A few years ago a movie was released titled Wreck It Ralph. The movie was set inside of a video game with two main characters. The first was Ralph. He was the larger than normal villain in the game. His job was to destroy everything he saw. Ralph would tear apart buildings and destroy things down to rubble. Then the good guy Fix It Felix would come along and try to put everything back together.

While this story has no Biblical undertones at all really, I believe we can see a glimpse of the Biblical message of burdens and worry woven throughout. Just think about it for a little. When you and I have struggles in life, what do we want God to do with them? Fix It Jesus! Right? We treat Jesus like he should be our personal Fix It Felix.

We want Jesus to come in with his magic hammer and knock out the broken and put our lives back together removing all evidence of anything broken. We hear passages about God wanting us to find joy and experience fullness of life, so naturally that means He wants to fix our problems…right?

But what does the Bible really say about what God wants to do with our problems?

1 Peter 5:7 – casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

See what that says? And what it doesn’t say! I says to cast the trouble on him. It doesn’t say he’ll fix it, take it away or even make it all ok. He says that he’ll come under the burden of anxiety with you. He says that you’ll never have to carry it alone. He says that you weren’t meant to carry this by yourself so invite him in and let him carry it with you.

Satan wants us to see life and its troubles like Ralph only doing harm all the time. He wants us to believe that what he has broken can’t be fixed. But the message of the Bible is totally different. The bible says to cast our cares on him, let him carry our burdens, come to him when we are burdened and just don’t know what else to do.

It’s not wrong to want Jesus as our personal Fix It Felix as long as we realize that’s not what he promises to be. He promises to be our shelter. He promises to prop us up under the painful moments. He promises to never leave us alone. There are countless promises the Bible does make and being our personal Mr. Fix-It isn’t one of them!

So flock to Jesus. Plead for his help. But be ready for him to say We’ve got this. I’m here with you. You are never alone. Be ready for Jesus to pick up the weight from your shoulders and walk with you until you have the strength to stand again.

When Wreck it Ralph hits your life and tears you apart, call on the one who’s better than Fix-It Felix. Call on the one who can make you brand new through it! Jesus is working a work in you. He is transforming you into his image and in order for that to happen you need to find yourself under the protection of his arms.