There’s a story in the bible about awater2-2 man named Jonah. He’s probably most well-known for his failure to follow God’s command. He was supposed to go to a place called Nineveh, but he really didn’t want to. As a matter of fact, when he was called to Arise and go to Nineveh, he decided to board a boat going in the opposite direction. Eventually the captain of the boat finds Jonah, realizes that he’s the reason the storm is so bad, and throws him overboard. God then sends a fish to swallow him whole! 

For three days and nights Jonah is wallowing over his sorrows in the belly of this monstrous fish. He argues with God, but God wins. When his journey in the belly of this fish is over, God causes the fish to vomit Jonah out on shore. So there he is, sitting in the sand, covered with the nastiness from the fish’s belly. He’s slimy. He stinks. The sand is sticking to him. And God tries one more time, Arise and go to Nineveh.

Jonah gets up and heads off to Nineveh. Wouldn’t you! His message to Nineveh isn’t a nice one. It’s not even the whole story of what God wanted to share with the people. He just blurts out a couple of word of judgment and nothing about God. He doesn’t want to be there and it’s obvious! But God still is present. When Jonah speaks, even the weak words of judgment, God’s presence effects a change in the lives of the people of Nineveh. They repent and change their ways.

But what about you and me? What about the times when God calls us to follow him and we run the opposite direction? I know I’ve done it. And while I can’t say that I’ve been eaten by a fish, I do know that God has not given up on the call on my life. I know that God is persistent in his call to have us follow him. Even when we run away from him, we need to know that He’s still pursuing us with great compassion and love. He’s not done with us.

So where are you right now? Are you in bed hearing the voice of God calling you to go somewhere you don’t want to go? Are you aboard the ship going in the opposite direction as you try to outrun the call of God? Maybe you’re in the belly of a stinky fish, covered in slime and pre-digested fish food? Maybe you’re lying in a pile of puke surrounded by the grossness of life only to realize that God is still calling? Perhaps you’ve succumbed to the fact that God is more persistent than you are stubborn and you’re headed to your own little Nineveh? Wherever you are in this story know that God is right there.

God was with Jonah every step of the way through this horrifying endeavor. He was with him in the night, in the boat, in the belly of the fish, and even in the pile of fish vomit on the shore. But he was also with him in the new calling. And he’ll be there with you too.

God is calling you to Arise and go! I can’t tell you where he’s calling you to go but I know that God is constantly calling us to go somewhere even if it’s just to the normal parts of our daily routine. So get up and go! Trust that God will be with you on the journey he calls you to live. Know that whatever the task and whatever the effort you give, God is able to work his purpose through you.