Riley Clemmons - Fighting For Me

Some days you’re on top of the world and have it all together. You’re stronger than you’ve ever been. You’ve got it all together and things are seemingly just falling into place. Then there are the other days. You know the days when it’s a success to just get out of bed. The days when finding a matching pair of socks makes you feel like a champion! Both of these kind of days are going to happen. But how can we face the challenging days with as much confidence as the easy one? Maybe it happens in knowing that someone is actually fighting for me!

When you just don’t have the energy to fight anymore and can’t really see any light through the darkness that you’re facing, it’s good to know that someone is fighting for you. This line is pretty powerful.

You will never stop fighting for me
When I can’t fight for myself
Every word is a promise You keep
Cause You love me like nobody else

The Bible says we have an advocate, someone who not only speaks up on our behalf, but also steps in the gaps where we can’t stand. This advocate’s name is Jesus. He is the one who goes to God in our place. He takes the pain intended for us.

I’m not sure what your week looks like. Maybe it’s a light week? Maybe it’s a busier than normal week with more on your to do list than you can possibly get done? Maybe you feel beat down by the world. Maybe you feel on top of the world? Whatever the scenario, know that there’s someone fighting for you. Someone is in your corner not just backing you up but actually fighting on your behalf.

Go take on the world and know that you’re never alone!