living for eternity today

Every Giant Will Fall

The church is quiet. Not a peep is being made. This is a far cry from last week! Last week this place was bustling with activity for our very own 2019 Giants VBS! This year we decided to write our own curriculum because we had the talent to do it! I’m in awe of the way God provided for what we needed with so many willing hands and skilled men and women this week! And I’d be remiss if I didn’t give a huge shout out to Maddy for all the behind the scenes work she did to keep this ministry moving! It was a giant of a task! But VBS isn’t the only giant we face in life is it?

Actually many of us will never have to write and then implement a VBS program. Many of us face giants of different shapes and sizes. We face giants like health and finances, relationship struggles and death of loved ones. We don’t know how to deal with anxiety and stress, so we cower at their feet like a child before a giant!

This morning as the silence is almost deafening, I’m wondering what did we learn last week about giants that will make any difference in our lives today? Short answer – Every Giant Will Fall! Note the word will. It’s not might or should or even could but will. They all will fall. No ifs, ands or buts about it! Giants are made for one thing – falling!

But how do these giants fall you may be asking. We don’t make them fall! We really don’t have anything to do with them actually falling. We’re just called to be faithful and trusting in the one who is able to bring them down. As followers of Jesus it’s easy to pay lip service to the whole Jesus is bigger than my giant idea. But it’s a whole different story when we actually trust God to do the fighting for us and step on the battlefield like David with merely a name.

“You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied." 1 Samuel 17:45 Share on X

What is your weapon of choice when facing giants? You could use a sword or spear or will power or even a slingshot, but we have a weapon far more powerful than any of these that will guarantee to bring down that giant. It’s a name and at the name of Jesus every giant will fall!

1 Comment

  1. JoAnne Ness

    I did not realize that Maddy wrote the VBS program. I have been very impressed with her and even more so now. We have been very blessed by having her at our Church. Thank you Maddy and Pastor for a great week with VBS.

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