Big! Grand! Huge! Enormous! Impact! Passion! Power! These are words that we try to claim. We want to make a big impact int the world. We like to have credit given for our accomplishments. We try to make the biggest splash in the pool, build the biggest tower, amass the most money, drive the best car, live in the most beautiful house and have the greenest yard. But what if the big things weren’t the point? What if the small things, the everyday, simple and even mundane things could actually have the biggest impact in the long run? 

This week for our #musicmonday devotion time we focus on a powerful song about just such questions. Dream Small looks at the little things that we do everyday. When we do them intentionally with the right heart they can make a massive splash in the pool of life. When I think of this whole dream small idea, I’m reminded of a childhood Sunday School teacher, Marcella. Marcella never wanted her name mentioned. She didn’t dress in the newest clothes. She didn’t drive the nicest car or live in the best house. She didn’t have the newest technology. And honestly she wasn’t the best teacher in the world. But she had something. She consistently did the small things for the right reasons. She loved us children and every action was done to let us know that. Her small actions are a huge reason I am where I am!

Now there’s nothing wrong with a big dream or two to drive us in life, but we can’t dream big at the expense of the small, everyday actions done well. Dream Small looks at all of the things that will never get publicized in the local paper or broadcast on the news. Dreaming small means being the you in private that you say you are in public. Dream Small is all about being the best mom, dad, employee, husband, boss, manager, wife, friend, anything you can be. It’s about doing the little things well and purposefully. Because when the little things stack up over time, they will likely be significantly bigger than large actions done once.

Today, dream small and do the little things well. Serve from your heart. Love with more than words. Walk with someone who’s hurting. Talk to your children and really listen. Love God. Love others. Walk humbly. Don’t exclude people just because they’re different. Take a second and send a reminder that you’re thinking of that special someone today.

Perhaps we've been dreaming so big we've forgotten the everyday small things - Dream Small! Share on X