Life Church - Evangel Assembly - What difference does faith make for you?  How does trusting God change your situation? Share your story... | Facebook

Some will have an answer to this question before even reading this post and some won’t read this because they think they already know the answer. But I believe there is more to believing in Jesus than many of us really think.

As Christians we focus on one aspect of being a Jesus follower and kind of, mostly neglect the rest of what it means to follow him. We package Jesus into a nice and tidy box that only impacts the future and really leaves him void of any influence on our lives today.

Now let’s be clear. Did Jesus die and rise to secure our future? Yes he absolute did. The bible is very clear about this. But not just the bible attests to the manhood of Jesus and to the burial place of Jesus. There are also accounts of many who were not Jesus followers who attest to His resurrection appearances after he was buried. So the person and work of Jesus very much has to do with our future. But there’s so much more.

I need to be clear. A Jesus that only impacts me when I’m dead is really not of much use to me now. I mean if we as Christians or even more so as pastors only care about the future lives of the people with whom we interract then we’ve missed a huge part of the life of Jesus. He was very much about the here and now. Jesus wanted to see lives changed now not just in one future day in heaven.

So does Jesus really matter? Yeah for our eternity but also for several other areas of our lives. When we believe in Jesus as more than just a good guy and more than just an heavenly Pez dispenser we can see that so much of who Jesus was and what the Bible promises is about our lives today.

He listens intently to our voice.

Some days it can feel like we’re talking to people who just aren’t listening. And it can be frustrating to say the very least. One thing that we have when we believe in Jesus is an assurance that he’s listening. Now I know it’s not exactly the same as having someone sitting down drinking coffee with you but there is a comfort in knowing that the God of hte universe is listening in on your thoughts and concerns.

He acts too.

Not only does God listen in on your thoughts and concerns, but he also acts. Not just acts in some arbitrary way either. He acts in your best interest. The cool part is that God knows the things you need before you ask them. And he can see a much bigger picture than you’re able to see. We get all wrapped up in turning red lights to green and getting closer parking spots when he knows the accident that’s about to happen and the driver that won’t be watching where she’s going. So just like the assurance that he listens we can be certain that he also answers prayers in the way we most need them answered.

We are just different.

When we gather on Sundays for worship and pray and sit with other believers we realize quickly that we don’t see life the same way the world sees it. We are just not part of what the world would call normal. And that’s ok to be honest. We don’t need to be like everyone else. We are not of this world. We’re of God. It’s a powerful reality when you think about it. We have our identity wrapped up in who God is not how much money we make or how successful we are.

These are just a few of the things that we can claim as people who believe in Jesus. These are just a few of the things we can cling to as men and women walking through life together under the cross. Jesus changed our future but he also cares about our present too. That’s really important to remember.