This week we wrapped up a sermon series titled God Questions. It was a series all about questions we have for and about God. We’ve talked about Who is God and Is following God worth the trouble. This week we come face to face with a question of purpose. What does God have in store for me? Or a more general question of does God have anything in store for me? The short answer is yes, He does. But there’s so much more to it than just that.

In the message this week, we looked at Paul’s words in Romans where he tells us that all things work together for the good. But who are these words written to? What does it mean for the good? And how do I apply these words to my life today?

If you don’t have time to listen to the message right now, here’s the quick answer. The idea that all things work together for the good doesn’t mean that all things are good by any means. It just means that no matter what happens in life it will end up working out the way God intends to use it. Good is relative and it’s from God’s perspective not ours. So if it doesn’t feel good in the moment hold tight because God is most likely up to something.

But for whom do the good things pan out? If you keep reading the text, it says that all things work together for the good of those who love God. That means God works things out for those who trust him to work things out. Not everything works for the best for everyone. Some people would much rather just handle their problems on their own. And if that’s what you’d rather then God isn’t about to force himself on you.

The long and short of the matter is that God know what’s best. And if we trust him to lead us and care for us then we’ll be able to realize the good that God has in store for us even in the midst of the troubles of life.

So there you have it. God works for the good! But there’s so much more to this message. Check it out! Oh and please forgive us for the strange audio issue we seem to be facing. We’re working diligently to get that one fixed!