West-DoSomethingPicHave you ever been frustrated with the mess that happens in life? Ever angered by the number of people mistreated in our world? Ever think something needs to be done for the thousands of children dying of starvation in the world? Ever ask why doesn’t someone do something? Ever wonder why God hasn’t done something for these terrible situations? 

God why don’t you just do something! That’s what we want to scream. Perhaps you’ve even found yourself crying out these same words. Today we want to step back from the trouble for a minute and see exactly what is being done. This morning’s song has been a powerful one for me lately. The chorus reminds us that God is doing something. He’s giving the world you and me. We are the ones who carry the power and the presence of God today. We possess the good news of something different. If the world isn’t changing we probably should be asking if we’re actually doing what we’re called to do.

This week I’d like to encourage you to look around your neighborhood and workplace. See the things that need to be addressed. Then ask yourself What am I able to do to help out? We can’t look for someone else to do something. We can’t rely on government programs. We can’t even wait for a new church ministry to pop up. Being a follower of Jesus means that we are a people of action. We care called to live a different kind of life. Sometimes this means we need to step up to the plate and just do something.

Christians are good talkers, but we’re called to be good at living out the message we’ve heard and spoken. I truly believe that we are the hands and feet of Christ in the world today. I truly believe that the presence of the power of God resides in all who believe. I firmly hold fast to the truth that God has called us all to a higher purpose than just talking and believing. He has called us to live out our beliefs. He wants us to love as he loved, serve as he served, teach as he taught, live as he lived.

Today just do something for the sake of the gospel. And after you do something, watch what God can do with even your most feeble attempt to serve with a  joyful heart.