Discipleship 101TRUSTHave you ever done the trust fall? You know the fall where you face away from someone and then fall backward trusting that they’ll be there to catch you? If you’ve ever done this  you know that it is way harder than you think at first. I remember doing this one time and thinking that I’d be able to do this with no problem. I knew the guys behind me, and I was confident that they’d catch me. But when it came down to actually falling blindly into their arms, I just couldn’t do it.

Often in our lives there are situations that require us to trust in someone or something. But when we can’t trust those around us to help us through a difficult situation, we end up carrying a burden that wasn’t designed for us to carry. Trust is a vital part of our lives as people in the world today. But even more so for people who call themselves followers of Jesus. Christians are called to trust in God to provide. There’s an old saying that reminds us where God guides he also provides. Not sure exactly who said it but it’s true. It doesn’t say that you’ll have everything you’ve ever wanted. But it does say that you’ll be taken care of every step of the way. You may go without but he’ll have the whole situation in his hand.

So what does it look like to trust? Picture the trust fall except instead of your high school friend behind you, it’s Jesus. Picture him telling you that he’ll be there no matter what and that you can just fall into his arms. Now as hard as that is, it’s not really the kind of trust we’re called to have. The trust we receive through the power of the Holy Spirit is a trust that faces Jesus. We look at him and the promises that he gives. Seeing his face we hear him say Fall backward, I’ve got you. Did you get that? You’re facing him and he says to fall backward. If he’s in front of you, he can’t be behind you! Can he?

Now that’s trust! Seeing Jesus face to face and then falling backwards is real trust. When Jesus sent the 72 followers to do his work, he stayed behind. He told them to take nothing with them and that he’d have it all in control. He told them that he’d provide for their needs and give them power to speak and do the works of God. They went and it worked! They came back rejoicing! They were amazed and overjoyed that they were able to do these amazing things!

Part of this account deals with the power of God within each one of us, but at the heart of it there’s a message of trust. Trusting in Jesus to be with you always. Trusting in Jesus to not only be a good guy and great teacher but to be Lord and Savior. Trusting that the one who died is also the one who is alive again. Trusting that when he burst from the grave that he opened your grave as well.

Disciples want to do everything that their masters do. They want to walk where their masters walk and speak the things their teachers teach. If we seek to be the disciples of Jesus that he calls us to be, we’ll go forward with trust that he has it all under control. May you find in Jesus one who is trust worthy and true. May you lean into him and the salvation he offers.