If you know me at all, you would probably say that I don’t always fit the norm. I tend to walk to the beat of a different drum. I don’t like to do things just because they’ve always been done that way. It’s been said that I don’t fit the normal mold. I’ve been told that I tend to think outside the box. Some have even said that with me the box doesn’t exist. All this is to say that I’m unique, and sometimes unique can be distracting but other times unique is a really good thing. 

At times my uniqueness can be a little too much for some to handle. I don’t like to think small and that sometimes causes some people a little heartburn. But sometimes we’re not meant to just be the same old…same old. Sometimes it’s good to break out of the normal way of doing things for just a moment. This week’s #musicmonday is a new song to me. Actually I heard it for the first time last week. It’s got a bit of a beat and a pretty decent message. Whose beat are you marching to?

Man what a loaded question that one is! If you really think of it for a minute you’ll know that most of us are marching to the beat of someone’s drum. Many of us are marching and we don’t even know the drummer! I think sometimes we have this problem as Christians. We just take things for granted. We just assume that our pastors are telling the truth and they know what they’re talking about so we don’t think for ourselves. But I’ve told members of every church I’ve served to please listen. Evaluate my words against the truths of the bible. Come to me with questions and where I’ve been proven wrong by scripture, I’ll certainly recant!

You see we tend to assume the drums playing around us are leading us in the right direction. We’re becoming more and more like robots who just assume things instead of believing them. Part of this message of walking to a different drum is being willing to stand out in the world. I believe that as Christians we need to be willing to march to the beat of a different drum. We need to be willing to stick out like a sore thumb. I am honestly so excited to see people living out their faith in meaningful ways. I know so many people who are marching to the beat of the drumline of scripture. When you are living in rhythm with God’s drum-line, your step becomes a little peppier and your posture a little taller. Your confidence is stronger and your chin a little higher. Your service is more intentional and your love a little deeper.

So why don’t you give it a try? Listen for the beat of God’s drum in your life and start marching to his rhythm. I’d be anxious to hear where he takes you.