
There are times in life when you just pause to reflect on decisions you’ve made, relationships you started/ended, and major endeavors on which you’ve embarked. Have you ever thought of what you would tell yourself at a younger age? What advice do you think a younger you could use?

It’s been said that wisdom comes from experience. The more life we have lived, the more decisions we’ve made. Therefore the more experiential wisdom we should have gained.

In the moment the struggles and pains of life can seem daunting at best! We carry so much pain and sorrow that really we weren’t built to carry. We heap on our shoulders the pressures of success, appearance, relationships, friendship, grades, job advancements and so much more. But there was a moment in our lives when these pressures were claimed by Jesus.

At the cross, we were supposed to leave this mess. God’s design and desire was never that we should carry this stuff beyond the cross. Now it’s true, you’ll never be able to go back and tell a younger you these truths you’ve since learned. But you can tell the next generation. You can come alongside the younger people around you and share your insights with them. You can disciple them, mentor them, coach them in faith and in life.

What would your Dear Younger Me letter say?