There are days when you just realize how blessed you are. Some call it lucky. Others call it a fluke. But I’m not one who really does the whole lucky or fluke kind of thing. I believe it’s about being blessed. Blessings are those things that come to us from outside of ourselves that enhance our lives and make them better. Some blessings appear good in the moment, while others are good only in the aftermath. But what about the blessing of waking up today? What about the gift of being able to see or speak or hear or walk or run or jump? This week’s Music Monday (albeit Tuesday already) is about the blessing of being alive in Christ.

I’m reminded of something a friend of mine used to tell me. He would always talk about how blessed he was. He would admit that he didn’t deserve the good things in his life. He would say that he hated to run but since God gave him legs he was going to run. He was blessed and wanted to live out that blessing.

This week’s song is called Dead Man Walking. It focuses on who we were and who we are. It speaks to the reality that our lives are not the same today that they once were. Jeremy Camp says:

I was a dead man walking
Until I was a man walking with You
I was a blind man falling
‘Til I felt the life You’re calling me to
Pulling me out of the darkness and
Pulling me out of the lies
Putting the beat in my heart again
I was a dead man walking
Until You loved this dead man walking back to life

Rarely do we see ourselves as dead men and women walking, but for those of us who are Jesus followers we can’t see ourselves as anything else! It’s like the old song Amazing Grace. It says I once was lost but now I’m found. The idea is straightforward and simple. Who we are is not who we were. Who we are right now is totally different than who we would be without Christ in our lives.

What gives you life? What breathes new energy into yoru heart and soul? What keeps you going through the day? Perhaps just a realization that you once were dead but now are alive. Perhaps it can be the realization that you are blessed in ways that you likely overlook more often than you can admit. Whatever it takes just remember that whether you agree or not, you’re a dead man walking.