There are basically two types of people in the world. When it comes to our dealings with one another we are one of two things. The first is a filler while the other is a spiller. We either fill one another or spill one another out. Which are you?

coffee-cup-spillingMost likely we’re not one of these all of the time, but more realistically we bounce back and forth. Let’s take a closer look at each of those so we know what to look out for in our lives.

We’ll start with the spiller. This is the one who seeks to break the other person down and empty them out. The spiller has a need to be better than others, therefore they will do anything in their power to take away from you. They will dump you out all over the ground and watch as you are trampled on.

Spillers do this with their words and their actions. They will put you down by speaking only of your shortcomings. They never have a positive word to say. It seems as if all they do is suck the life out of you. You will typically be more tired after spending extended periods of time with them.

overflowing-cupFillers, on the other hand, do the exact opposite. They take the things they’re good at and pour them into you. They will go out of their way to make sure you that you have all that you need to do what’s in front of you. They fill you with complements and encouragement. Instead of highlighting your wrongs, they’ll run interference for you, allowing you to receive the praise for your good deeds.

Fillers and spillers are both present in our world. They’re everywhere we go. The challenge we must face however is, which are we more like? We need to keep our intentions in check. In your relationships, are you more of a spiller or a filler?

Jesus was a filler without a doubt. He poured all of himself into his disciples. This is something he tells us to do as well. We’re to pour ourselves into others. We’re to empower them, encourage them, and equip them. We’re to lift them up and fill the cup of their life, all the while making sure our cup is under the tap of God’s love, mercy, and truth.

Today, spill a little of yourself into someone special to you. Fill them with that thing that makes you unique.