Blessing-The-Cornerstone-11A cornerstone is a key part of any building structure. It’s said that the building rests on that particular stone to gain its maximum strength. If this is true, the cornerstone is critical. You don’t want a cornerstone made out of a soft material. You don’t want a cornerstone for your building made from a material that is ever-changing. You want a cornerstone that is solid, planted firmly, and never moving. 

The stronger the storm, the more you’ll truly appreciate that cornerstone being placed exactly where it is. The harder the winds, the more that foundation and cornerstone are important.

Our lives are at times like a building. We are tossed and torn apart by ever-changing ideas. Storms ravage our lives and our cornerstone is important. As a follower of Jesus, our cornerstone is none other than Christ himself. He’s consistent. He’s weathered the same storms you are facing.

This morning I pray that Jesus is your cornerstone. I pray that through the storms of life, you are anchored in the awesome presence and promise of a God who has never left you alone. He’s the solid rock that won’t sink. The calm in the eye of the storm. He’ll never leave your side nor abandon you in a time of need. May Jesus be your cornerstone through life.