Ok so confession time. I’m a control freak. I love to know where things are going. I try to predict the future as often as I can. Not in that weird fortune-teller with a glass ball sort of way but I try to foresee problems and make a plan to overcome. I’m one of those type “A” personalities that probably is more of an “A+” at times! But sometimes we need to just let go of the wheel of our lives. 

This week’s Music Monday is about giving up control. It’s the recognition that control in some areas is fine. We need to plan. We need to prepare but we also have to realize that we are not God! As you listen to this week’s song, consider what areas of your life God is calling you to let go.

I think my favorite line from this song is one that has resonated in my heart for a long time. God you don’t need me but somehow you want me. Can you imagine that the God who made everything, is a God who wants you? Just consider for a minute that he doesn’t need you. He doesn’t need your help. He doesn’t need your advice. He doesn’t need your prayers or your church attendance or your money or anything for that matter. But he chose you. He wants you. He doesn’t wait for you to come to him because he’s already come close to you. That’s the wonder of this song.

Some things are in our control, but what a comfort to know that the things I can’t change are in God’s hands and he already has it in his powerful and capable hands. Today what are you going to let go of and let God take control?