living for eternity today

Confidence Sanctus Real

Sometimes the things of life are just out of this world gigantic! I’ve come across mountains that were far too large for me to climb! I’ve been face to face with giants that could have and honestly should have annihilated me! I’m not sure about you but there are some things in this life that have all but crushed me. Some days I feel like David standing in front of a giant who’s just larger than life. Others I feel like Daniel sitting in a den filled with lions, in the form of people, who seek to just destroy me for saying the wrong thing or not saying the right thing.

How do you conquer your giants? How do you slay your Goliath? How do you shut the mouth of the nay-sayers and come out victorious? Would it be depressing if I told you that you can’t? Would it sound demoralizing if I told you that you didn’t have what it takes to beat your Goliath? Because honestly you can’t do it. I’m not trying to be negative but seriously it’s not possible. You cannot beat Goliath. You can’t shut the mouth of the lions who seek to tear you apart.

You can’t but Jesus did.

You see all too often in the story of David and Goliath we try to imagine ourselves as a teenage shepherd boy who goes to the stream to gather a smooth stone knowing the outcome will be a dead giant. We try to imagine what it must have been like to slay this mammoth of a human being that represents all of our troubles and trials. But we aren’t David. The Bible doesn’t even attempt to picture you and me as David.

If not us, then who?

Easy. Jesus! David is a mini version of Jesus. David isn’t us. He’s a reminder that Jesus is greater! Jesus is greater than Goliath. He’s greater than David. He’s greater than us. You see the problem with you and me being David is that we don’t always have the right power, strength or energy to fight the giants of life. If we’re David, it’s about us! But it’s not about us. It’s about Jesus, because Jesus already beat our Goliath.

This song reminds that we can face the trials and the struggles of life. It reminds us that the lion was silenced and Goliath did fall. He fell hard to his death. Not only that, but Jesus also cut off the head of our giant. That giant is sin, fear, anxiety, loneliness, addiction, complacency, self-reliance – all of them. These giants are things we face each and every day. We go through life looking in the mirror that screams we’re not good enough but Jesus slaughtered that giant as well! Jesus calls you precious and loved.

There’s no giant you will ever face that Jesus hasn’t already conquered. Next year at the church I serve as Pastor we’re spending the summer talking out giants. We’re going to teach the children about giants in vbs and we’ll journey together through the pages of the bible to see how God has already conquered the giants in our lives and how we can stand tall on the head of our Goliath knowing that he’s been conquered.

That’s our confidence. Not in me. Not in you. Not in a work to be done. But in Jesus and the work he’s already finished for you.

1 Comment

  1. Sue Hritz

    Awesome song with an awesome message!!!

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