Want to know what works? It’s easy to sit back to be an armchair quarterback and have no skin in the game. But the real work happens when you put into action all the things you’ve been thinking and talking about.

butterfly_PNG1000I recently picked up a book written by a young lady who was trapped in a bad situation. Her young years were horrific. Then she began to believe that’s all she was worthy of receiving was horrible things. Her name is Polly, and she has an amazing story to tell. I’m not an emotional guy but I was emotionally wrecked as I turned through the pages of her book Cherished: Shattered innocence. Restored Hope. 

The author is Polly Wright, formerly part of the sex industry in America. Her story isn’t for the faint of heart. From abuse and betrayal to lies and sex, there isn’t much that her early years didn’t entail. But later in her life she heard a call that would save her life. She is no longer in the industry. She now offers help and hope to the women trapped in the belief that this is all there is. Polly now runs a ministry based in the Dallas, Texas, area, but has arms that are connecting other cities across the country.

The gist of her ministry is sharing the love of Jesus with the women in strip clubs. She tells them how much they are loved by a God who cares about them. She knows the heartache these women feel. She knows their broken hearts. Polly and the rest of the Cherished team hit the streets to let these women know of the love of Jesus. They shower them with gifts and pray for them.

Polly’s story is amazing. But so is yours. Maybe your story isn’t like Polly’s story. Perhaps your story feels small in comparison to hers. The size of your story, the distance you’ve come, and the name that you have don’t change anything with God. He cherishes you the same as He does Polly and the women in the clubs. He has created you for a purpose. He wants you to know of his love.

The reason I share this story with you is because I am truly amazed by Polly’s story for sure. But more than that I believe there’s a bigger thing at work. I believe there’s a principle of life we can gain from her experience. You see, she took her story and used it to show God’s love with others going through the same thing.

Undoubtedly your story is different. Maybe you’ve had cancer and God is calling you to share your story of survival with other cancer patients. Maybe you’re recovering from an addiction and know that Jesus wants you to share your story of hurt and healing with others trapped in similar addictions. Maybe you are a parent and are hearing God calling you to work with other young parents. The sky is the limit!

What works is using your story to touch the lives of others living a similar story. So what’s your story? Who do you know that could benefit from your story shared in a new context? I’ll be praying for you as you seek to share your story with those around you.