Chain Breaker

Sometimes life just flat sucks. I know that’s not something new but it’s not something we normally say aloud. I know that it can be hard to see how something good is going to come from the current situation you’re facing. I know because I’ve been there myself. Actually, for many of us it’s a daily occurrence trying to bury the past and work through the present. 

It feels at times like our past, our decisions, even the decisions of others are like chains holding us down and preventing us from moving forward. We look at ourselves in the mirror and see holes. Not holes in our faces but holes in our person. We see things we wish we had but we don’t. We try to fill those holes with other things, sometimes unhealthy things. These expectations we place on ourselves are chains that weigh us down and make life too heavy.

What if there was a way to get rid of the chains? What if there was a way to break free from the chains and be able to live a lighter life?

This morning, remember that Jesus is a chain breaker. When Jesus went to the cross, he broke those chains. He broke the chains of sin, death and separation. He pulled you in when he spread his arms wide on the cross. He changed the game of expectations by being the prefect one we could never be. So what’s that mean for you and me?

He’s our chain breaker. It’s really that simple. Now there are no chains holding you back. Your past is forgotten. The holes you see in the mirror, he fills them. Now, you’re perfect because of what he has done for you. Live free today. Don’t let anyone stop you from seeing yourself as the perfect child he’s called you to be.