living for eternity today

Category: What You Believe

Is Church Really Necessary?

This week in our what we believe series we’re taking a look at All you have to do is walk into a church just about anywhere across America and you’ll see it. What used to be row upon row of chairs or pews filled with families worshipping together has become more of a barren wilderness of empty seats. The trends are startling! Fewer and fewer people are seeing the importance and necessity of attending a weekly worship service. An individual’s average attendance has shifted from weekly to maybe once every five to six weeks. But why? What’s the reason for this trend? Continue reading

Was It Really That Bad?

It was a little white lie. It was just a pack of gum. I didn’t mean to hurt them. I don’t really think it’s that big of a deal. But it’s not as bad as what she did! These are just a handful of the excuses we use to justify our actions. We try to minimize the hurt we inflict or the damage we do. We don’t think our words can hurt that badly. We love to make grade levels for the wrongs we do in life. But how right is that? We say it’s to be fair but how fair is the grading system of wrongs?  Continue reading

Who Was Jesus Anyway?

So who was Jesus? You don’t have to be a church type person to ask that question. It’s a simple question that people inside and outside the church have asked. We ask the question to validate our beliefs. We sometimes ask the question in an effort to prove someone wrong. In this What We Believe post we’re going to dig into the  basics of what we, as Christians, believe about Jesus. We won’t hit everything but we’ll try to cover the basics.  Continue reading

Am I Good Enough?

Practice makes perfect. Try harder. Dig a little deeper. Push just a little more. Come on you can do it! We can hear the words of well-meaning people shouting at us from the sidelines of life. These are mottos for many of us as we navigate the difficult days we experience. Are we good enough to make it? Do I have what it takes to achieve the successes I desire in life? What makes me good enough?  Continue reading

What About Other Religions?

In a world filled with a multitude of ways, it’s hard to determine who’s right. Everyone thinks that their way is the best way and by virtue all other ways are wrong! It’s true in everything from sports to music and politics to religion. We’ve all been there. We don’t want to make other people feel bad but we don’t want to compromise our personal convictions either. So how do you handle it? Which way is right? How firmly do we stand on the way we claim to be right? Continue reading

What Do You Believe About Sin?

This week we’ll begin a new series on the blog about belief. Knowing what we believe is critical. So often however we float through life simply going through the motions. In a recent study, random passers-by were asked what they believed about a variety of faith matters. In the next several weeks we’ll cover this list of beliefs, what many believe and what the bible teaches about these beliefs.  Continue reading

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