living for eternity today

Category: StartNew (Page 1 of 2)

Why Start New?

Over the past week or so I’ve had the chance to sit down with two different groups of people who are very interested in making a go at starting something new. For one reason or another God has laid it on their heart to lead a charge in starting a new worshipping community. But what would cause someone to go out on a limb and start something new? Why do something that’s so hard? Why not just keep things going the way they are?

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Are We Asking The Wrong Question?

America is changing. It’s pretty obvious to see that. And what’s just as obvious is the landscape of Christianity is changing as well. We are seeing churches close their doors at rapid rates. Organized denominations are noticing downward trends, some faster than others. There are church leaders from various denominations and church traditions asking – how can we make our ministry last longer?  Continue reading

F1V3 – Worship

F1V3-01We’ve all heard the word and undoubtedly we have some image in our minds when we hear this word. Some of us think a large church building on a Sunday morning typically around 10am that meets for an hour. We hear a wonderful pipe organ. We’re sitting in hard wooden pews that are anything but comfortable. While others of us see more of an empty warehouse of sorts with stackable chairs that can be used for many different things. We hear loud music that is played on guitars and drums. Either way that’s really not the point of worship. Continue reading

F1V3 – Community Building

online-community-networkingIt’s no secret that this is likely the easiest piece but seemingly the most overlooked. We live in a day and age in which community is something that just isn’t all that important. Think about the last time you came home from a long day at work. If you’re like many in my neighborhood, you pull your car in and close the garage door before you even get out of your vehicle. We’ve taken human interaction out of the equation in much of what we do in our day-to-day lives.  Continue reading


If you were at the church I pastor, Living Word Church, this past Sunday you might have heard something of three numbers. These numbers are very important to me and I pray they gain the same significance to those in the ministry I serve. Apart these three single digits are really not all that impressive nor important. But when you look at them together and see the impact that these three numbers can have, it’s truly nothing short of miraculous.  Continue reading

It Can’t Be That Easy!

IMG_1805Several months ago I read a book titled Joining Jesus on His Mission, by Greg Finke of Dwelling 1:14 Ministries. As I read the book, I realized that the stuff he was writing was stuff that I had always been teaching, just in a little different way. At first I had that why didn’t I write this book feeling, but after that subsided I began to see some possibilities and opportunities.

This began a several month planning session with my team at church. We all read the book and just about everyone said It can’t be that easy! But truth be told, it is just that easy. The long and short of the book is that the mission is not ours rather it belongs to Jesus. And the cool part is He just wants us to hang out with Him on His mission. Sounds a lot less scary now doesn’t it!

With some leadership buy-in, we decided to reach out to Greg and see if we could
host a training workshop at Living Word the church I am privileged to pastor. He was on the calendar and we were off to the races to make this the start of a movement in the congregation instead of a one weekend event. So we decided to launch a summer long party the day we wrapped up the training.

In the weeks leading up to the event, we had posters and fliers and even a few promo videos from members who have read the book. Then we started to look at follow-up for the event. How are we going to make this a movement and not just a one day event? Party was the answer! Everyone knows what a party is and the great thing is, party means something different to just about everyone. So we’ll help the congregation throw parties in their homes throughout the summer months in an effort to simply establish relationships with people where we live, work, and play.

Now here’s the hitch – there’s not catch to the parties. There’s no church t-shirts or bait and switch things happening here. It’s not a church party! It’s a party, gathering
of people where you happen to carry inside you all of the power of the risen Jesus. While you will not be leading a bible study or preaching anything at these parties. You will be on Jesus’ mission of redeeming and restoring the world unto himself. Pretty easy. Everyone likes food. Just about everyone likes to have fun. So why not put them together and have a little party?

It truly is that easy. Intentional missionaries strategically deployed around the community with the sole purpose of redeeming our community through relationships. Can’t get much easier than that! Want to join the fun and throw a party where you live, work, or play? Give us a shout and we’ll do what we can to help you get started!

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