This past week we had the opportunity to share in a magnificent event for some amazing people in our community! It was by far the most rewarding experience of my life so I wanted to share this with you here. Normally, these Music Monday posts are Christian songs that have made their way into the top of the charts but this week we’re doing something different.
We put the word at the end of our prayers. We sometimes say it when we agree with what the pastor says. We like to use the word as a way of agreeing with something someone says. We use it in religious contexts and even some secular ones as well. But what does it mean? And why is it so important?
The last couple of weeks have been pretty packed and I haven’t had a chance to write. Writing can be a bit healing for me. Today we’re going to pause for a minute and realize just how amazing God is. In a world that’s filled with pain, hurt, heartache, let downs, depression, sadness, death and so many other negative things swirling around us.
Last year was a pretty horrific year for singer/songwriter Toby Mac. He lost his son tragically and unexpectedly. No one can understand the devastation that occurs when a parent loses a child of any age. As I write this a brother in Christ and his wife are mourning the loss of their new born son. They were able to be with him for just a few short days. Toby had his son for 21 years. The pain of both is devastating to say the least.
This week is going to be one of those weeks to be sure. Yesterday I received a phone call from my dad letting me know that my grandma (the one I call Omi) has started to walk down the road that will ultimately lead her into Jesus’ arms. It could be days. It could be weeks. It could even be months. There’s only one person who knows and he’s the reason we can fear no more.
As we journey closer to that joy-filled morning, we pause and reflect on what this new family went through to give us something to celebrate. This week’s Music Monday is another favorite of many and has undoubtedly been sung in churches around the world as part of their Christmas celebrations. But what do the words mean? Where was Jesus born and why was he born there?
This week we take on another one of those old favorites for our Music Monday. Sung in churches around the world is the hymn O Come, O Come Emmanuel. The focus of our song this week is to help us see the waiting that takes place inside all of us as Christmas draws ever closer.
It’s that time of year again! We can’t stop it if we try, so we may as well jump on the Christmas preparation train and see where it leads. This week for our Music Monday time we’ll pick up an old familiar hymn. This hymn was first written as a poem and later put into song form about fourteen years later. The poem turned song was intended to help the Christian to understand teh power of the reality of Christmas. It demonstrates one of the core truths of the Christian faith – the incarnation.
Never been to Jerusalem. Never been to the Jordan River. Never walked through the holy waters of the Bible. But after listening to this song, perhaps I can say that I have experienced something far more powerful than any of these locations could have given me. In church world we call this sweet holy water stuff – forgiveness.
I’ve never walked through a super hot desert without water but I have worked outside on hot summer days when the heat just zaps all of the energy out of me. When I come back inside and drink that tall glass of ice-cold water it’s like new life is breathed back into me.
This week’s Music Monday is a song called Holy Water. The beat is catchy and the words are powerful. Take a few minutes and listen to the words. Listen closely because when we really focus on what’s being said in this song we’ll realize that our lives are a lot like that desert I mentioned earlier. We go through life dry and parched. We try to fill ourselves with drink after drink but all it does is leaves us even more thirsty. It’s kind of like the Bible story of the woman at the well. She kept having to go back and get more water for herself. But Jesus offers her water that will make her never thirst again. This is the water of forgiveness.
When we realize the dry and parched nature of our souls when we keep going back to the well of sin, then receiving this fresh and life-giving water of forgiveness is like the sweetest water we could imagine. Listen. Think. Then receive this water for yourself as you turn and focus on what He is doing in your life.
This week I want you to think about an orchestra. You know the stage and the director and the host of different instrumentalists all playing the same song but in their own unique voices. A symphony is a pretty impressive thing when you really think about it. You can have 40, 60, even 100 or more people all in one place playing the same song but when each of them play their own part alone it doesn’t sound the same. When the clarinet plays by itself, it sure doesn’t sound the same as when it’s in the orchestra setting. But when the clarinet plays its part along with the flutes, trumpets, tubas, trombones, percussion and all the other instruments the sound is powerful, beautiful and amazing.