living for eternity today

Category: musicmonday (Page 5 of 28)

Who You Are To Me

You don’t have to go far before you’ll hear someone say something negative to you. People have no problem pointing out your flaws and faults. The world is a messed up place to be sure. Friends are turning on one another. Family members are dividing over some pretty crazy things. It’s just not the world many of us thought we’d raise our children in or grow up in ourselves. So how do we gain any clarity in these crazy and disruptive times?

Today’s Music Monday is a bit of a grounding rod for us as followers of Jesus. Now I want to be clear. Some people call themselves Christians or church-goers but really aren’t interested in following Jesus. It’s more a slide of hand kind of game. For these truths to really speak to us we need to do more than put on a smiling face and say we attend church. The reality of the matter is as followers of Jesus, this truth is one of the most powerful things we need to remember in these chaotic and unpredictable times.

Our song is titled who you are to me. This song is a worship song that brings us to a place and time when we can see the power and majesty of who God is when life is all messed up. It’s a reminder that when the world is continuously changing, God is constant. Throughout our lives here we find that time and time again bad things jump out of nowhere and we are caught off guard. But with God there is no caught off guard. Where he is concerned he is our God and our provider and our protector. He’ll be there when life is good and hold us when life is bad.

Who is he to me? As a Jesus follower, he should be your everything.

Whatever May Come

Unconditional is a pretty powerful concept. But is it a reality? I mean seriously, just about everything in our lives is conditioned on something or someone else. We let our peace be conditioned on our surroundings. Our success is conditioned upon how hard we apply ourselves. We even let conditions creep their way into our love for those around us.

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Keep Me In The Moment

I have to admit something right here. I have a problem living in the here and now. I tend to be a mile ahead and around the corner. I try to see what’s coming. I try to plan for what could be. I try to think about things before they happen. Some days that philosophy works really well. But other times it keeps me from seeing things that are happening right in front of me.

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Thank You Lord

Some days you turn on your streaming music device and a song just kind of hits you. Maybe it’s the beat. Maybe it’s the lyrics. Maybe it’s the artist. This morning I turned on my Apple Music and this song came on. My bluetooth speaker was loud because I was moving around church putting things away and making my coffee. It made me stop in my tracks.

Thank you Lord. How often do we stop to just thank him? How often too we see the small things as blessings? It’s way too easy to take these things for granted and just ignore them as if we deserve them or have somehow earned them.

This morning’s Music Monday will be shorter because I want you to have time to hit pause on the busyness of life and just be thankful.

What are you thankful for today?

Starts With Love

There’s a lot of talk in the world right now. Everyone has something to say. Bloggers blog. Writers write. Speakers speak. We update our Facebook with all of our thoughts and feelings. We have no problem telling peopel what we’re for and what we’re against. But there’s something we might have forgotten and that’s the theme of this week’s MusicMonday.

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Starting Now

I don’t know about you but it seems the more I know the more I realize I really don’t know all that much after all! I learn one thing and it has a tendency to undo something else I learned at another point in my life. Especially in today’s world when I learn about the things going on in our world and then the message changes, it’s just a swirling mess of noise anymore. So where do we start? How do we know what’s real and what’s not?

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Enough is enough already. When did we become a divided people? When did we fall for the trap of evil that has been set before us? When did we become so stupid that we follow the horrible lead of violence? What made us give in to the idea that hatred and destruction are the answer?

We are not together. I don’t know of a time when division was more prominent. The unfortunate thing is that this is being called a racial division but that’s just not true. There is racial tension and inequality to be certain but that’s not the real problem we face. The violence and the hatred being spread around our cities like manure flung in a farmer’s field is not about race. It’s about evil. Pure evil.

I pray for my brothers and sisters around the world regardless of race or color or gender or political background. I pray for those who hurt and those who lack the confidence to live the lives they’ve been given to live. I pray for those who are violently held back in life.

It’s time to realize that we have merely one shot at this life. We can opt to mess it up and make it miserable for everyone around us by trashing their businesses and homes and ruining our own stuff. Or we can choose to serve those in need. Support our local business owners. Clean up after these riots. Care for one another. Walk shoulder to shoulder through this life together. The choice is yours. I pray you choose together.

My Weapon

It seems like everything in life is a tad darker, everyone is a little crankier, and judgement is all around us. I walk into a store without a mask on and people glare like I’m the devil. Add to that the constant change in information flooding our media feeds and it’s hard to know who to trust and what information is truth and what information is a lie. How do we fight this barrage of darkness all around us?

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