Some names are easy to remember while others are a little more difficult. This week’s name that is above all names is Redeemer. But why is it so important? Listen as Pastor Derrick shares the importance of the name that is above all names.
Category: Messages (Page 23 of 41)
What’s in a name? There was a promise that this child would carry a title that would be different than every other name out there. This name is a strong and powerful name. It’s a name that spoke to our past, present and our future. Listen as Pastor Derrick shares how this name truly is above all names!
It’s kind of a weird thing to think of bread as a name, but this name is such a powerful name. What does it mean though that Jesus is bread? How can bread bring such life? Why did He choose bread? Listen this week as Pastor Derrick shares the amazing truth of why it’s so important Jesus is the Bread of Life.
What is it about the name son that is so important? Could the name son mean more than just son of a father? This week we look around the bible to find why the title son is so important for Jesus at Christmas. You are sons and daughters of God because of His Son given for you.
What power do your words have? Some of our words are nice but others are down right evil. But what about one word that can right all wrongs, fix what’s broken, heal the hurting and remind the lonely that they are never alone. Listen this week as Pastor Derrick shares the power of this special Word.
What does peace look like in your life? Do you find peace in the quiet and tranquil places? Or are you able to find peace in the middle of the storms of life? When illness strikes, death hits too close to home, your finances are in the tank and your relationships are crumbling are you able to find peace? Listen this week as Pastor Derrick shows us how to find peace in the storms of life. Where are your eyes focused?
We see them all of the time. We probably see so many of them that we don’t even give them a second thought. We see them in our homes and on the streets. Lights are everywhere. But what’s so special about this light? What did Jesus want to tell us by sharing the name Light of the World? Listen as Pastor Derrick explains the Light of the World.
What name is better than every other name? Well there are many names for God in the Bible. In the Sundays and Wednesdays leading up to Christmas we’ll be looking at some of those names. Which is your favorite name for God?
Have you ever read the 23rd Psalm? There are a ton of powerful messages in this psalm. This week Pastor Derrick shares the power of hearing the voice of your Shepherd and going where He calls you. What is this Psalm all about anyway?