living for eternity today

Category: Family (Page 3 of 5)

True Heroes Run In

As many of you know today is Veterans Day. It’s a day designed and set aside for the honoring of the men and women of our Armed Forces past and present. It’s a day to pause and honor the men and women who ran into danger so we could sit cozy on our couches. It’s a day to stand up for those who stood up for us.

I am pretty sure that most people know that I’m unashamedly patriotic. No this does not mean that I worship the nation, that’s a nationalist. It doesn’t mean that I think a president can save us or a flag is the end all beat all of my freedom. I’m a patriot. I believe that we live in a broken country in the midst of a broken world but we have been awarded some pretty massive freedoms that are being overlooked and taken for granted. I’m a patriot and that means I have no qualms about standing up for what I believe is good and right and honorable in this the greatest republic the world has ever had a chance to witness.

But I didn’t stand in line to serve. I’m no hero. Many days I regret that decision to not serve and protect this country. But today is about the men and women who did just that. It’s a day to thank the feeble old man who can barely push his grocery cart but proudly wears his Veterans of Foreign Wars hat. It’s a day to pause and reflect on what makes America different from the rest of the world and who secured that for us.

As Americans we are so darn entitled. We take for granted things that other countries would die for! Why do you think so many people from so many countries want to come to America? It’s not because we have good barbecue or great restaurant chains. They want to be here because of what these heroes did. They want to be here so they can take shelter in a safe haven that is protected by the most elite group of defenders the world has ever known.

This year has proven to be challenging for so many. I’m ashamed of what has happened to the “united” part of this country. The things that used to unite us now divide us. And to be honest it’s killing the very things we’ve grown to love. If 2020 has taught us anything it’s that life can change in the drop of a nickel.

Do you like knowing that flipping a switch can make the lights turn on? Or that you can go to the store and have plenty of food to pick up off the shelves? Do you like to know that you can leave your house at 1am to make a run to the local corner mart to grab a 6-pack? No the veterans in our country don’t necessarily run those things but they make them a reality. Without their sacrifice and continued protection even at times when we don’t even know it, our lives would look very different.

So today let’s swallow our pride as greedy Americans. Stand for the flag and all it represents, because the flag isn’t about how we treat one another it’s about what they fought for. Greet one another with a smile even those people who look, act and believe different than us. Veterans’ Day is about making this nation a place where we can see life differently and still exist peacefully.

Friends, if you’re not a veteran then today isn’t about you. Thank a veteran because without them much of what you have wouldn’t exist. And it’s all because they ran in when most would run away.

Thank you to all who have served and are still serving. There are still Americans out there who have your six. I am one of them. Happy Veterans Day!

A Toddler’s Plate

If you’re not a parent and never raised little children this image might not resonate with you. But I remember as a young new parent with twin children trying to teach my boys to eat. Like every child I’ve ever encountered they had a tendency to take their food and throw some of it on the floor. Then they’d cry because they were hungry and didn’t have enough to eat. When dealing with children, we kind of laugh it off as if it’s no big deal, but what if an older person were to do that? I can’t imagine what would happen if I would have done that at 13 at the supper table with my parents!

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A Letter To Parents

Dear parents,

I know that we didn’t sign up for this shelter in place mandate. I know we all feel woefully unprepared for what the days ahead hold for us. I know many of us aren’t teachers. Many of us are scrambling to do our regular jobs. Many are worried about what this means for our paychecks and some their 401K and retirement packages. I know the news seems bleak and everyday brings another element of negativity and fear to our plates. I know it because I’m living it with you. But please I have some advice as I listen to your children.

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You’ll Catch Up

Have you ever had someone you look up to who seems to have the perfect marriage begin to show signs that something’s just not right? What about you, have you ever been there in your own marriage? Journeying through a marriage has so many highs and some lows as well. But how we manage the lows is just as important as the number of highs! Dealing with the lows of marriage is critical! This is why I strongly encourage all couples getting married to have a few sessions of pre-marriage counseling.

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Can We Really Make It?

In just a few short months my wife and I will make it to our 20th Wedding Anniversary. Yes you should crown her for that accomplishment because I can be a bear to live with I’m certain of it! But what’s even more interesting is that in addition to our 20 years of marriage, we started dating when I was a Sophomore in High School. So needless to say, we’ve been together for several years beyond that 20! But how do we do it? How does a couple get past the differences and disagreements and get to a married life that lasts?

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Talking To Teens

As a parent I’ve figured out that communicating with my children at various stages of development can be at times challenging to say the least. From the time they’re babies, our children are learning how to communicate. Whether it’s teaching your child to sign before they speak, so they can tell you they’re hungry, or teaching them to say their first words, or when to keep their mouths closed – communication is learned over time.

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Are You Listening To Me?

In our fast paced, soundbite society it’s easy to appear like we’re listening when we’re actually not! It’s a terrible thing to have someone right in front of you and pretend to listen. But all of us do it! Just about everyone we meet is doing this. We are too! If we’re honest, we’re thinking about a million other things when someone is talking to us. We think about everything from what’s for supper to what are we going to say next. Forming our reply isn’t listening – just in case you didn’t know. So how do we get better at listening?

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The Basics

Life has been flying by at a frenzied pace lately. Not sure if it’s the same for everyone but I’m fairly certain we’re all in a very similar boat here. We have pressures from work and home life. The yard needs mowed and flowerbeds need constant attention. The kids’ schedules are filling the calendar and the weekends are already showing signs that this will be a busy season for you! Your older kids need some attention but your younger ones need a whole new level of attention. All of this and we haven’t even considered your personal time or the time needed to invest in your marriage!

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