living for eternity today

Category: Disciple (Page 9 of 19)

Can We Take Communion?

This is the weirdest Holy Week I can remember. Nothing seems right. Nothing seems normal. Nothing seems holy about this week really. As I sit in the sanctuary with the room nearly empty. A handful of faithful servants have been there for every service we’ve shared with the world. But something just isn’t the same. Add to it there have been lots of things missing this Holy Week that normally would be there and this week feels just so off!

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Remove the Queen

In a recent conversation with faith leaders from around the country and terrific illustration was used! I have to apologize that I can’t remember who said it but wow this has been on my mind since I heard it. I’m not 100% sure if this is how it’s actually done but the premise of the illustration was built around training a professional chess player on how to more successfully play the game.

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Eerily Quiet

I took a drive the other day just to escape the isolation for a bit. It was eery just how quiet things were just about everywhere I went. The store lights were all off. Signs saying temporarily closed were on doors of countless stores. There was an eery quiet in the air that was disturbing. So why is the quiet so hard? Why is this forced downtime so challening?

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Gross! What’s In The Bowl?

We use our dishwasher a lot. With a house of five and the speed of our schedules it’s just easier to throw the dishes in the dishwasher and let technology help us out a bit. Sometimes automating a task is super helpful. But there’s a small problem. Every once in a while we overfill the dishwasher and stack one bowl on top of another of block the arm of the dishwasher from spinning. When this happens the dishes don’t get cleaned all the way. Often the outside of the bowl will be clean but the inside remains dirty.

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But I Don’t Want To!

As a parent I’ve heard this phrase probably more times than I can count. It’s one of the most annoying phrases we can hear. Right up there with are we there yet! When my children tell me they don’t want to do something, it generally begins a nice conversation about who’s in charge and sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to do in life. Then they will begrudgingly shuffle off to do the thing they don’t want to do but really don’t have a choice but to do. It’s called obedience. We don’t have to like it but we all have to obey someone at some point in life.

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Why Start New?

Over the past week or so I’ve had the chance to sit down with two different groups of people who are very interested in making a go at starting something new. For one reason or another God has laid it on their heart to lead a charge in starting a new worshipping community. But what would cause someone to go out on a limb and start something new? Why do something that’s so hard? Why not just keep things going the way they are?

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How Selfish Are You Really?

It’s rare that I’ll post something on a Sunday but I found this quote that really got me thinking. I could have scheduled it to post at a later time but this one just had to be put out there. My normal Sunday morning routine typically involves getting to my office well before anyone else arrives. I read through the Bible verses for that morning, look through my translation notes, drink my coffee, pray, eat a little something. Then if I have a little time to spare I’ll scroll through my social media feeds to clear notifications from the night. This morning was no different. But as I was scrolling through one of my feeds, a quote popped up that got me thinking. How selfish are we?

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Developing Leaders For Life

Leadership development has been a topic of conversation in just about every area of life for some time. According to Merriam-Webster online dictionary, leadership is defined as the office or position of a leader, capacity to lead and the act or instance of leading. Unfortunately none of these definitions really give us a clear picture of what a good leader looks like or how they live or what they do. Our goal in this post is to dive into what a leader looks like and how we as leaders can develop more leaders who can make a greater impact on the world around us.

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I am an Atheist…

Now before anyone starts to wig out here, no I haven’t gone off the deep end! I still believe in Jesus! I am not an atheist, but that’s a quote a recently read on social media and it got me thinking. What causes someone who at one point believed in Jesus to up and turn away? What causes a Jesus follower to no longer follower but reject? So I read on in his post.

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