living for eternity today

Category: Disciple (Page 2 of 19)

No More Apples

Think you’re just an apple in a basket, waiting to be picked or discarded? Wrong. You’re an orchard in disguise, brimming with potential that could feed nations, change lives, and alter the course of history—if you’d just wake up to it.

I recently heard the line Within every apple there’s an orchard. I did not come up with this and its origin is unknown, but I feel there’s power in this thinking. This isn’t just a feel-good quote to throw on social media and forget. It’s a battle cry, a declaration of war against mediocrity, and a direct challenge to the excuses you’ve been feeding yourself for too long.

The Apple Mindset

Too many people are stuck in the “apple” mindset. You know the type. They see themselves as small, ordinary, just trying to get by without making too much noise. They’ve bought into the lie that they’re just one in a million—replaceable, forgettable, insignificant.

But here’s the truth: you’re not just an apple. Inside you is the seed of something far greater. You have the power to grow, to expand, to become an orchard—a force of nature that can produce fruit for generations to come. The potential within you is limitless, but it’s useless unless you recognize it and do something about it.

We can’t stop there either. If you’re a Christian, this concept hits even closer to home. Within every Christian, there isn’t just potential for personal growth—there’s the potential to build a whole community of faith. Just like the orchard in the apple, there’s a church, a body of believers, a thriving community within you waiting to be cultivated.

Too many Christians walk around with a small vision, thinking that faith is a private matter, something personal and contained. We treat ministry like it’s something we can hire someone else to do for us. But the truth is, Christianity is meant to be lived out…in community…by everyone! Your faith isn’t just about you; it’s about the people where you live, work, and play.

Your faith isn’t meant to stay locked in the walls of your heart or the pews of a church. It’s meant to grow, to spread, to multiply. Just like an orchard starts with one apple, a thriving community of faith starts with one believer—one person willing to plant seeds of love, kindness, and truth in the lives of others.

Stop Settling

The problem is, most people settle for the apple when they could have the whole orchard. They settle for a paycheck when they could have financial freedom. They settle for good when they could have great. Why? Because they’re scared? Because they don’t believe in themselves? Because they’ve been conditioned to think small.

You need to start thinking like the orchard, not the apple. The orchard doesn’t just survive—it thrives. It doesn’t just exist—it expands. It takes up space, it demands attention, and it produces more than enough. The orchard is the picture of abundance, and that abundance is within your reach. It’s easy to see the limits of scarcity but Jesus took our scarcity and showed how abundant it truly was.

How to Cultivate Your Orchard and Your Community

I know I poke holes in status quo a lot on here. So here are some practical steps for shifting that focus. How do you tap into this orchard within you? How do you break free from the apple mindset and start living up to your true potential—both in your personal life and as a follower of Jesus? Here are a few thoughts:

  1. Imagination: First, you need to see the orchard. You need to believe that there’s more to you than what meets the eye. You need to imagine what life could be if you stopped settling and started striving. As a follower of Jesus, you need to see the community within you and believe that your faith can impact others.
  2. Farming Framework: Understand that the orchard doesn’t appear overnight. It takes time, effort, and patience. But it all starts with the seed—your potential. Nurture it, protect it, and watch it grow. In the same way, start small in your own circle—share your faith, serve others, and watch as your impact multiplies. Look at the relationships that already exist in your life. Why do you think God put those people here at this moment?
  3. Nike: Stop waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect opportunity, or the perfect conditions. Just Do It! Start planting today. Take action, no matter how small, toward your goals. Every seed you plant today is a tree that will bear fruit tomorrow. Don’t just attend church—be the church. Get involved, serve, and lead. Move from observing the faith in others and start owning the faith in you.
  4. Perseverance: Don’t give up when things get tough. Orchards face storms, droughts, and pests, but they survive because they are deeply rooted. Be resilient. Stay the course. In your faith, hold on to God’s promises and continue to sow seeds of righteousness, even when it’s hard.
  5. Harvest: Finally, don’t be afraid to reap the rewards of your hard work. When your orchard starts to bear fruit, don’t apologize for success. Share it, enjoy it, and let it inspire others to cultivate their own. As a Christian, celebrate the growth of your community and continue to foster the faith in others. Raise up new leaders and begin leaving a legacy of discipleship for those that will come after you.

You can sit there and let life pass you by, or you can realize that you’re carrying an orchard within you. You can choose to stay small, or you can unleash the abundance that’s been inside you all along.

Don’t let another day go by without tapping into your true potential. Don’t waste another minute thinking you’re just an apple when you could be so much more. The world needs your orchard—it needs what only you can provide.

And as a Christian, remember that your faith is the seed of something far greater. It’s the foundation of a community, a church, a movement. It’s time to stop thinking small and start cultivating the orchard within you.

Within every apple there’s an orchard. It’s time you start believing it.

I Fear We’re Insane

It’s time to wake up. We’ve all heard that insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. Yet, how often do we fall into this trap? We cling to traditions, methods, and mindsets that have long outlived their effectiveness, hoping they’ll somehow bring revival. Newsflash: They won’t! It’s time to wake up, shake off the dust of complacency, and start thinking bigger, bolder, and differently if we truly want to fulfill the mission Christ has given us.

The Comfort of Tradition

Tradition feels safe, doesn’t it? It’s that well-worn path we’ve walked for decades, the familiar liturgy, the same order of service, the predictable sermons, the tried and true programs. But let’s be honest—how much of this is bearing fruit? We’re too often wrapped in the warm, comfortable blanket of “how we’ve always done it,” forgetting that comfort isn’t the goal—discipleship is. And discipleship is not the same as pew sitting membership!

Here’s the hard truth: If we keep doing church the way we’ve always done it, we’ll keep getting the same results we’ve always gotten. And let’s face it, those results aren’t cutting it. Look around. Are our churches filled with the lost, the broken, the desperate souls we’re called to reach? Or are they filled with empty seats and stagnant faith? If we want to see change, we need to change first.

Don’t be delusional!

But we’re making progress! is a line I hear from time to time. Sure, maybe your attendance numbers are steady, maybe your programs are running smoothly. But is that the kind of progress Christ called us to? Or are we just busy maintaining the status quo, confusing busyness with real kingdom impact?

I don’t want to burst your bubble here but true progress isn’t about keeping the church doors open. It’s about opening the doors of our hearts and minds to new ways of reaching the lost, discipling believers, and transforming our communities. It’s about stepping out in faith, even when it feels uncomfortable and even dangerous, and trusting that God will meet us in the unknown.

If we’re not constantly evaluating and adjusting our approach, if we’re not willing to disrupt our routines for the sake of the gospel, we’ll find ourselves far from the vibrant, living body of Christ we’re meant to be.

If your goal doesn’t need God, it’s not big enough.

Thinking bigger isn’t just a suggestion; it’s a divine mandate. We serve a God who is infinitely creative, who specializes in doing new things (Isaiah 43:19). If we’re not willing to think bigger, to dream beyond our current limitations, we’re limiting God’s work in and through us. And frankly we’re dreaming man size dreams in a God sized world.

Ask yourself—and your church—some tough questions. What have we been avoiding because it feels too risky? What traditions have we clung to, not because they’re effective, but because they’re comfortable? What new methods, new ideas, new visions have we dismissed because they didn’t fit our comfortable way of doing things?

God is calling us to break free from the mold, to challenge the status quo, and to step into a new level of faith. If we’re not willing to do that, we’re not just stagnating; we’re disobeying the call to go into all the world and make disciples (Matthew 28:19).

One small step for man…

The unknown is scary. It’s like standing on the edge of a cliff, wondering if you’ll survive the leap. But here’s the thing: The church isn’t called to play it safe. We’re called to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). And faith doesn’t thrive in the familiar; it grows in the unknown. When those men stepped off the shuttle for the first time, it was the largest small step anyone could ever take.

Every time we choose comfort over calling, tradition over transformation, we’re choosing to stay small. But when we take a step of faith, when we’re willing to leave the safety of the boat and walk on water, that’s when we see God move in miraculous ways.

If we keep doing church the way we’ve always done it, we’ll keep getting the same results we’ve always gotten. But if we’re willing to think bigger, take risks, and to embrace the unknown, we’ll see God do things we never imagined.

The church doesn’t need more people who are content with the status quo. We need committed disciples who are willing to challenge the norm, to dream bigger dreams, and to step out in bold faith. Stop settling for the same old results. Start living out the kind of radical, world-changing faith that Jesus modeled.

Because the only thing that’s truly insane is thinking the church can stay the same and somehow, magically, fulfill its mission in a changing world.

The Call to Radical Generosity

Generosity. It’s a word that gets tossed around like confetti, but how many of us actually live it out in a way that shakes the foundations of our comfortable lives? You probably want to hold onto something because we’re about to take a hard look at why generosity isn’t just a nice idea —it’s a radical, non-negotiable command straight from the mouth of Jesus.

Love in Action

First off, let’s get something straight: generosity isn’t about dropping a few coins in the offering plate and patting ourselves on the back. True generosity is rooted in love—the kind of love that Jesus demonstrated when He gave up everything for us. We’ve heard of John 3:16. The whole gospel in a nutshell passage. In it we read, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son…” Did you see it? God gave. Generosity is love in action, and for Christians, love is the core of our faith. If we’re not living generously, are we truly living out our faith?

The Gospel is Giving

The Gospel is all about giving. Jesus didn’t come to be served, but to serve (Mark 10:45). He didn’t cling to His divine privileges but emptied Himself for our sake (Philippians 2:6-7). As Christians, we’re called to mirror this selfless generosity. It’s not optional either. It’s the very heartbeat of the Gospel.

When we live generously, we reflect Christ’s character to a world that desperately needs to see it. We become walking, talking billboards for the transformative power of the Gospel. It’s about time we started living up to that calling, don’t you think?

Counter Cultural Living

We live in a culture that screams, “More! More! More!” It’s all about accumulating wealth, power, and stuff. Consumerism anyone?

But Jesus flips the script. In Matthew 6:19-21, He tells us not to store up treasures on earth, but to store up treasures in heaven. Why? Because where our treasure is, there our heart will be also. Generosity is a powerful weapon against the relentless grip of materialism. It breaks the chains of greed and selfishness that bind us and then frees us to live with open hands and hearts.

Here’s where it gets really interesting. Radical generosity doesn’t just change the lives of those on the receiving end; it transforms the giver, too. Proverbs 11:25 says, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” When we give freely and joyfully, we experience a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose. We’re tapping into the very essence of what it means to be human—you know the whole created in the image of a generous God idea.

Let’s Get Practical

Enough with the theory. Let’s get down to brass tacks. Here are four practical steps to start living generously today:

  1. Evaluate Your Priorities: Where are you spending your time, energy, relational capacity and even material goods? If your priorities don’t reflect a generous spirit, it’s time for a change.
  2. Give Regularly and Spontaneously: Set aside a portion of your income to give regularly to your church or favorite charity. But don’t stop there—look for spontaneous opportunities to bless others. Buy a meal for a stranger, donate to a special project at your local church, or simply offer your time to someone in need.
  3. Live Simply: The less you’re attached to material possessions, the more freely you can give. Simplify your life and use the extra resources to make a difference.
  4. Engage Your Community: Get involved in your local community. Volunteer at shelters, join service projects, and be present where there is need. Your presence can be just as valuable as your material assets.

Step Up and Stand Out

Generosity isn’t a feel-good add-on to the Christian life; it’s part of the core of what it means to follow Jesus. It’s time to step up and stand out. Let’s stop blending in with a culture obsessed with getting and start living out the radical generosity that Jesus modeled for us. The world is watching. Let’s give them something worth seeing.

Believing In God Isn’t Enough

In a world where spirituality is often watered down to a vague and palatable concept of “God,” there’s a bold truth many shy away from: it’s not enough to believe in some ethereal, generic higher power. If you want the real deal, the unfiltered, undiluted truth, you need to believe in Jesus. Not just any god, but Jesus. Because without Him, your faith is like a ship without a rudder—lost, adrift, and destined for nowhere meaningful.

Let’s cut through the noise. Society today loves to embrace the safe, non-controversial notion of a “higher power.” It’s comfortable, it’s inclusive, and it asks nothing of you. But this is spiritual lukewarmness at best. It’s a way to feel good about yourself without the commitment or the challenge. The problem? It’s utterly meaningless. Without Jesus, you’re subscribing to a spiritual placebo that soothes the mind but leaves the soul starving. Not to mention, do you know what Jesus says about lukewarm faith? Check Revelation 3:16 if you dare.

Jesus isn’t just a figurehead or symbol of goodness. He is the cornerstone, the linchpin of a genuine faith. He is the living, breathing, historically verified embodiment of God’s love and justice. The difference between believing in Jesus and just any god is like the difference between a hi-def OLED screen and an old projector that needs to have the bulb replaced. Jesus didn’t just preach love; He lived it, died for it, and rose again to prove it. That’s not something you can find in a generic god. That’s a radical, life-changing truth.

The tendency to favor a nebulous “god” over Jesus is often rooted in a desire to avoid the tough stuff—the conviction, the accountability, and the need for transformation. With a generic god, there are no real demands, no call to repentance, no expectation of a changed life. You get to stay comfortable in your imperfections and untouched by the divine. But with Jesus, there’s no hiding. He sees through the facade and calls you to be better, to live righteously, to embrace a purpose beyond yourself.

Look at it this way: Believing in a generic god is like bowling with the bumpers up. Sure, it’s fun, it’s easy, but it’s ultimately pointless. There’s no direction, no goal, no ultimate victory. Believing in Jesus, however, is like entering a grand adventure, full of challenges, growth, and a prize beyond imagination. It’s a path with a purpose, and it’s one that requires you to step up and be more than just a passive participant.

Don’t get me wrong here. This isn’t about pushing some rigid form of doctrine. It’s about recognizing the profound difference between a life led by vague spirituality and one transformed by the tangible presence of Jesus. The former is a safe bet, the latter is a leap of faith. Jesus doesn’t just offer a feel-good moment; He offers a radical transformation, a new identity, and an eternal promise.

And let’s not forget the historical and factual grounding of Jesus’ existence. He’s not some abstract concept conjured up by human imagination. He walked this earth, performed miracles, challenged the status quo, and left an indelible mark throughout history. His life, death, and resurrection are well-documented events that even the harshest critics find hard to dismiss entirely. This is not blind faith; this faith is rooted in reality.

So, where do you stand? Clinging to the comfort of a nondescript deity, or embracing the wild, exhilarating truth of Jesus as your Savior?

Following Jesus means choosing a path filled with meaning, challenge, and profound joy. It’s a decision that strips away the pretenses and dives straight into the heart of what it means to truly believe. It’s not for the faint of heart, but for those willing to seek the truth, it’s the only path worth walking.

In a world awash with half-measures and convenient spirituality, dare to go beyond. Embrace the full, unadulterated truth of Jesus. Not just any god, but the God who gave everything for you. That’s where real faith begins, and where your true journey can finally start.

I Am Not Nice

Be nice. It’s what I was always told growing up. We need to be nice to one another. But I don’t know if nice is the best answer in every situation. Admittedly I’m less nice than some, but I will generally try to be kind. Kind and nice are not the same thing.

In a world often drenched in cynicism and snarky remarks, kindness can sometimes feel like a forgotten relic of a bygone era. I don’t think kindness is dead; it’s just undergone a bit of a makeover. Welcome to the era of being kind, but not always nice.

Now, you might be scratching your head, wondering, “What’s the difference?” Well, buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a wild ride through the realm of edgy kindness.

Let’s start with the basics. Kindness, at its core, is about compassion, empathy, and understanding. It’s about lending a helping hand, offering a shoulder to lean on, and spreading love in a world that desperately needs it. It’s about seeking the best for those around you. It’s about caring enough to keep people safe. But here’s where things get interesting: being kind doesn’t always mean being nice.

Being nice often entails things like gentle tone of voice and quiet, calm demeanor. The “nice” thing to do in a given scenario might be to bite your tongue and let the offense slide. But where’s the fun in that? Actually, where’s the good in that?

Enter edgy kindness. Instead of bottling up your frustration, why not speak up? Instead of brushing every little thing under the rug, how about you call a spade a spade. You don’t need to do it in a hostile or confrontational way. Just speak up and feel free to include a dash of wit and charm.

See, being kind doesn’t mean being a doormat. It means standing up for yourself and others, even if it ruffles a few feathers along the way. It’s about setting boundaries, calling out injustice, and refusing to settle for anything less than the respect we all deserve.

But edgy kindness isn’t just about witty comebacks and snarky remarks. It’s also about challenging the status quo and sparking meaningful conversations. Take, for example, those awkward family gatherings where Uncle Bob insists on spewing his outdated opinions like candy at a parade.

Instead of nodding along in silence, why not engage him in a thought-provoking debate? Approach the conversation with an open mind and a sprinkle of humor, and who knows? You might just plant a seed of change in Uncle Bob’s stubborn brain.

Of course, edgy kindness isn’t always easy. It requires courage, resilience, and a willingness to embrace discomfort. But trust me when I say, the rewards are worth it. Not only will you feel the unnecessary weight of internal conflict rise from your shoulders, but you also allow the situation to heal. Often speaking in kindness, with a little edge of not so niceness, is what’s needed to get through to the stubborn employee who doesn’t think they need to do their job. Sometimes this edgy kindness will help an erring friend see their way. Heck edgy kindness might even save someone’s future…you just never know.

So, the next time life throws you a curveball, don’t be afraid to unleash your inner edgy kindness. Speak your truth, stand up for what’s right, and above all, don’t forget to laugh along the way. After all, kindness is the ultimate rebel act in a world that could use a little more heart and a lot less sugarcoating. I know that’s not nice! But sometimes not being nice is the best way to show kindness.

Nine to Five

I remember the movie from when I was growing up. I’ve probably only seen it once but the premise or maybe just the title is something that I think about off and on. Actually as I write this, I just finished a quick conversation with my wife about the whole 9-5 idea.

Some days I’m jealous of the times I had a regular job. A job that I could arrive at one bell and leave at the other. A job where I swiped my badge and logged my hours and left. A job where the job stayed in the building. A job that didn’t wake me up at night. A job that didn’t make my stomach turn because of how people act. A job where the harder I worked and the more I accomplished the clearer the lines for advancement. A job where hard work counted for something.

Some days I wonder what it would be like to be in a job where people didn’t criticize me for getting a new car. Where people didn’t think I was paid too much all because my family can travel to Disney (even though my wife is a travel advisor and that’s part of her job, not to mention the offsets she’s received as part of her stellar work). I wonder what it’s like to be able to buy a new pair of shoes or sport coat and not have people think I am squandering my wealth.

If I’m being honest some days I kind of wish my life fit that category. But then there are other days.

The days when I get to hold your baby as I sprinkle some water on his forehead and remind him that he’s been marked by Christ the crucified. Or I get to sit by the recliner of your grandma as she struggles for her final breath. I get to hold your head as you throw up because of the horrendous life change that was just forced upon you and you don’t know what to do next. Or I get to watch as you trust me to teach your child about how important faith is to them as they grow and mature.

The past 12 months have been some of the most challenging of my ministry and many people probably have no clue. From losing people for whom I cared deeply to people I thought were friends stop acting like friends to a few other situations that are more private than public. Let’s just say the struggle has been real.

I know some of you are going to read this and get all wigged out. But please don’t do that. Don’t read anything into what’s here. By now you should know that I’m kind of shoot straight kind of guy. Rarely do you have to read between the lines with what I’m saying. So just in case you’re having a hard time here you go.

Over the past couple of years I have definitely thought about what the future looks like. I’ve wondered if it wasn’t time to move back to a 9-5 kind of situation. I’ve contemplated if I’ve outlasted my usefulness in ministry. And just so you know I’m not alone in this, there are some startling stats about how many pastors have struggled with this over the past few years, like over 60% of us have considered leaving the ministry!

But when things start to go off the rails and my head and heart begin to hemorrhage these feelings of doubt, someone shoots me a text or calls me to offer a word of encouragement. Maybe I get to baptize a child. Or I hear why your son or daughter wants to be confirmed. I get to hold the hand of your dying loved one. I get to reassure you of the power of the resurrection even over your darkest grief. The doubt subsides and the reality peaks back through.

Now here’s where I need you to listen. I’m not saying that my occupation is better or worse than anyone else’s. I don’t write this to try to glorify myself over you or falsely lower myself in a backwards pride moment. I put this here because someday I’m going to need to come back and read it. Some day, when the dust settles I’ll be able to look here and be reminded of just how blessed I am to be surrounded by so many wonderful people.

As I close this post out I’m reminded of a quote that’s been rattling around in my nearly empty noggin. In preparation for a recent message I was reminded that the thing you value most will determine your value. There are times when I let my value be driven by the way others respond, or don’t respond to me.

Let’s make sure today isn’t one of those days.

Stump The Pastor

Being in ministry can be a fun experience. Some days are easier than others. One thing that often occurs in the church I serve as pastor is that the people play a game of stump the pastor.

Now, I don’t think it’s an intentional game all them time, but I do think there is a little fun had when I don’t have an answer right off hand. This past Sunday seemed to be one of those stump the pastor moments.

We were looking at a reading from Acts 1 where the author quoted a random verse from the Old Testament, seemingly yanking it totally out of context. This is a well known pet peeve of mine, so of course this was the topic of conversation.

Why would Acts pull this single verse out of the Psalms and throw it here? It doesn’t seem to fit…

My standard protocol when I have a question I can’t answer is to see if someone smarter than me is able to answer it. Then I do my own digging when I have time. Today is mining day. Mining through the Bible to see if I can find an answer or at least something that makes some sense.

When I go about this digging process, I look for other places where a similar approach is taken. I read commentaries (books by people far smarter than I)! And then I do some translation work to see if something didn’t get missed in translation from the original language to the English that sits before us.

Well, this one didn’t take very long before I found a bit of a pattern. There are several places where the New Testament authors use this similar approach in their writing. Often these are quotes from the psalms, which are typically poems or songs, that are seemingly out of context and perhaps misapplied?

That’s when a new question starts to rattle around in the noggin. If multiple authors use the same technique, then what do they know that we don’t know? Which means more reading and more studying ensues.

Finally! After digging around in the Bible, commentaries, online studies, bible software, and some Jewish writing style literature I do believe we have an answer. It’s a technique in Jewish writing called REMEZ. This technique basically is to quote a line from a well known song or poem, trusting that you will know its context. Kind of like you or I starting the lyrics to a well known pop song, trusting you will finish singing it in your head.

Then the reader, in this case you and I, are to then take the scenario to which it is originally applied and lay that over the context of the new passage. And ultimately using the new context, we can see some similarities to the original but also some deeper truths unveiled.

Here’s an example that’s a bit easier to see than the one we discussed on Sunday.

In Romans 8:36, Paul is cranking out some pretty convincing things about God and his salvation for us when he throws in this odd verse from Psalm 44 For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered. If you read the rest of chapter 8, it really isn’t where Paul is headed. But when you double back and read the context of Psalm 44 where Israel is pursued by enemies who are out to destroy them and overtake them and they are seemingly without hope, then lay that over the context of Romans 8 it starts to make sense.

Paul is making the point that if God is for us, no one against us really matters. Just like Israel in Psalm 44, who was surrounded by many enemies and ultimately God was able to overcome all of them.

The same is true in the Acts 1 and Psalm 69 passages. Something was happening in the lives of Israel and the prayer of the psalmist was that God would handle it. Then in Acts 1 the disciples are saying that they have a pretty significant problem of betrayal from inside and they need God to handle it as well.

When we have a hard time determining what a specific bible verse means or why it’s structured the way it is structured, a great approach is to look around and see how this same approach is taken elsewhere. In this case, we didn’t have time to do that. And I know this wasn’t really designed to be one of those stump the pastor moments, but it ended up being a bit of a Sunday stumper! But now you know.

Christ In Collard Greens

What if I say the wrong thing?

What if I don’t have all the answers?

I just need another class or maybe I can read a book that will give me the 7 steps to do this.

Have you ever heard anyone say something like this? I’m a pastor and this is the typical response I get when we talk about sharing our faith. We think we need a class or a seminar or some sort of gathering where we get the how to’s of the whole matter.

But what if we’re making it way too hard? Ok that’s not really supposed to be a question. We ARE making it way too hard. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Here’s how I know.

This past Sunday I had the chance to go with some friends to a neighboring community. It was a region of our area that was hit with a devastating tornado. They had houses torn apart, swing sets moved from lawn to street, trampolines mangled around trees or at least what was left of them.

We left church on Sunday and went over to lend a hand. But the hand we lent them wasn’t in the form of chainsaws or tool belts. We didn’t move debris, although we were prepared for that. We really didn’t do anything. But we did everything.

Instead of wielding tools and work gloves, we picked up serving spoons and paper plates. We pulled into a driveway of someone we didn’t even know yet and set up a food station that would end up feeding well over 100 people. Some came in person, others sent one to pick up food for a work crew. What we did there was share Jesus but not in the way you might think.

We didn’t hand out promotional gear. We didn’t pass out tracts or pamphlets. We didn’t even use that super corny phrase just like the grace of God this food is free.

No preaching. No teaching. We didn’t even invite them to come to church. That wasn’t the point. Instead of giving them a well thought out 7 point teaching on the highlights of the gospel and what it means for them. We shook their hands. We gave them hugs. We listened to them share their stories. We let them just come and rest for a minute. We gave them Jesus. Jesus with skin on. Jesus that looked like you and me.

There he was right in the middle of the Mac n Cheese. The Messiah and his abundant love for mankind nestled in a pile of Mac n cheese. The Beautiful Savior in hearty stack of brisket. The Prince of Peace in a pulled pork sandwich. Christ in collard greens.

God’s miraculous love and abundant grace were embedded in the simple and mundane foods you can buy at a store. We didn’t overcomplicate the matter. Did these people hear the message of Jesus living, dying and rising? Nope they sure didn’t. Did they see an example of Jesus command to love your neighbor as yourself? You better darn well believe it.

Look here’s the deal. You can hold your evangelism training seminars and convocations to teach people how to share their faith. But really those aren’t necessary at all. If you know two things you can do this anywhere and everywhere you go without much preparation at all. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength – and love your neighbor as yourself.

You don’t need some curriculum out of a box or special speaker to come teach you how to do it. I even believe that doing any of these classes or books just makes it harder and is far more intimidating than Jesus intended it to be. Everyone can be his witness for sure but it really only takes a loving heart, hands willing to serve, genuine compassion for the people around you, and a sacrifice of your time. Let the Spirit do the rest. It’s not your job to much more than that.

Grab a plate of collard greens or pan of brownies. Pour a glass of wine or a couple ounces of bourbon. Light a fire in the pit. Tell a joke. Genuinely give a crap about the people around you. And you just might see how easily Jesus can be transferred to the people around you.

Cracks in Concrete

The church I pastor has a group that meets a couple times a month called Bible and Brew. We meet in a local pub, have a beverage of choice, share life stories, and talk about faith. Every time we get together I’m reminded how important this type of group really is, and it has nothing to do with the beverages!

This particular night one of the guys started us with the question, What does God want from us. Now that’s kind of a loaded question. And I’ll admit, it took every fiber of my being to not go all pastor on the group and try to answer the question. You see that’s the joy of this group. Generally the questions have no real answers, at least nothing that would be always right in every situation. Kind of like what does God want from us, there are hundreds of answers that all could apply perfectly.

As the discussion unfolded however, there was a theme that was starting to come into picture a little more clearly. In a world that is divided, how are we supposed to live. We talked about how political structures divide. We talked about how media has a tendency to sensualize everything only polarizing the divided landscape around us. What does God want from us?

It’s a pretty cool thought actually. When the world around us is divided and broken, how is the church supposed to act? The kind of obvious answer that came out of things was to not be divided. But how does that work?

We looked at passages like Hebrews 10 where the writer says do not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing. Ok so one way we stay undivided is to be together. The more together we experience, the less chance of cracks to come into our lives.

One image we sat on for a bit was the image of concrete. I have a concrete driveway. And as great as a concrete driveway is, there are some issues with concrete. One thing is pretty much certain. Concrete cracks. You’re pretty much not going to stop it from happening. They can put control joints in, you know those fancy lines in sidewalks and cuts in larger slabs. Those are intended not to prevent concrete from cracking but to stop cracks when they happen.

I made a bit of a mistake this year and didn’t fill the cracks in my driveway before winter. If you’re not aware, the little cracks in concrete, if left untreated, will eventually fill with water and in freezing temperatures as the water expands so will the crack. A tiny crack in concrete, if not taken care of immediately can result in some serious damage.

Ok back to the discussion of what does God want from us. I think if we look all over the place in the Bible, we’ll see a very common theme. Unity is kind of a big deal to Jesus. In Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer from John 17, Jesus says that they may be one as we are one. Oneness must be a huge thing. Jesus was kind of wrapping up his entire ministry and he did it by praying for unity in the body of Christ. What does God want from us?

If Jesus prayed for the church to be unified, then I’m pretty sure that’s what God wants from us and for us today. Our discussion was all over the map about unity, not uniformity but unity. We’re not all supposed to be the same or think the same but our purpose and identity is supposed to be tied to the same thing – the gospel. We used illustrations of tractor pulls and locomotives, teams of horses and mathematics lessons.

The long and short was that division isn’t math that God does. He’s not about dividing people. One of the first sermons I preached at the church I now serve was about a wedge. The principle of a wedge is that just the tiniest point of the wedge is all that’s needed to weaken the overall integrity of something. And just like that concrete sidewalk, if a crack is left unattended it can be devastating.

So what is it that unites us? Our common confession is the key. The thing that unites us isn’t a can’t we all just get along mindset, it’s not the sport team we cheer to victory, it’s not the political systems with which we align ourselves. The thing that unites us is the gospel. When the gospel isn’t the focus, when our attention shifts from the power and importance of the gospel, we run a strong risk of cracks popping up in the concrete of our lives.

What does God want? If the answer is unity, then we have to also admit that just like in concrete cracks happen in our daily lives as well. So what do we do when cracks show up? Well, we patch them. Seal them. Watch them closely over time. The same is true for all of us around the table that night. When disunity comes into play in our lives, we need to patch it with the gospel. We need to come back to who we are and what we’re called to be.

If the one thing God wants for us is unity, then we can be certain that coming to him is the best place to find that unity when a crack is discovered. Maybe it’s time to take a closer look at the driveway and patch up some of those cracks so that we may be one just as God is one.

Learning From The Master

As we wrapped up 2023, I took a few of these posts to define Discipleship and discuss what Discipleship was not. Then we looked at the qualifications for being a disciple.

Now that we’ve turned the page on the calendar and have opened up a brand new year of possibilities, it’s time to dig in a little deeper into this idea of discipleship and spiritual formation. This will hopefully be the Friday rhythm for 2024 (only time will tell how well I hold to this schedule).

If we’re going to get started getting serious about discipleship, then we should probably start by taking a look at the master. I mean after all, the only way to be great at something is to follow the one who was the best at it. Right?

And since I’m a pastor and the whole topic of discipleship is a biblical one, you probably already guessed who the master is. But for those of you who are a bit late to the party, his name is Jesus. He kind of wrote the book on discipleship. Literally.

So Jesus was a real guy, very few people argue about that one. And for those of us who call ourselves followers of Jesus, we believe that he was also the Son of God. There’s also some pretty stark evidence to that fact as well. Regardless of what you believe about Jesus, pretty much everyone can agree that he had a pretty stellar way of doing life. I mean, if he wasn’t the Son of God and yet got thousands of people to follow him, then he’s probably pretty good at getting people on board with his way of thinking.

How did he do it? I mean, the whole discipleship thing. Remember the definition I work with is that Discipleship is the process of being transformed into the image of Christ for the sake of others. With that in mind, how did Jesus get the people of his day to actually follow him closely enough to want to do what he did.

Think about the story in the Bible of Jesus walking on the water. He’s out there for a nice evening stroll across the water by himself. His disciples are in the boat trying to get through the head wind, when one of them sees him. Not knowing what was going on and realizing that water walking was not a normal part of life, they kind of freaked out. Then Peter, the kind of rash one, asked Jesus to call him to the water.

Wait! Did you hear that? If it’s you, Jesus, call me to come to you. What would make a man who knows how water works, want to attempt to walk on water? He probably didn’t have the class on the idea of buoyancy, but he still knew that people did not walk on water. So why?

It’s the discipleship done the Jesus way. He didn’t coerce people to follow him. He didn’t bait and switch them. He didn’t try to sell them on anything fancy. He just said Come. Follow me. That’s it.

I think a huge part of discipleship the Jesus way, is about authenticity and integrity. These two words really go hand in hand and will likely make it to the word of the week post in the near future. The long and short of these two ideas is that he was real. He was the same in public and in private. And the disciples saw that. The men and women of his day saw that. And they were attracted to the realism of that way of life. There are plenty of fakes out there, so it makes sense to want to model your life after someone who is real.

The other part of it was that Jesus cared. So much of our discipleship ideology in today’s church culture is about classes and rituals. Not so much with Jesus. He wanted people to know how much he cared. He did it by being where the people were. Getting his hands dirty. Serving the people no one wanted to serve.

If we’re going to learn from the Master and do discipleship the Jesus way, then we need to start with knowing who we are and actually caring about the people in the world around us. If we start with caring, and I mean genuinely caring, then we’ll be leaps and bounds ahead of where we are now. By the way, genuinely caring means we don’t just say we care. It means we do something with that care and compassion. That’s a great start at discipleship the Jesus way.

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