living for eternity today

Category: Disciple (Page 14 of 19)

Men Plan God Laughs

plnThere’s a pretty big fad pushing its way through our culture these days. It’s the trend of LifeCoaching. A Life Coach is someone who, for a relatively sizable sum of money, will walk you through some of life’s challenging moments and help you determine the proper trajectory on which your life should run. They help you determine something called a Life Plan. While their version may not be called exactly that, it will undoubtedly contain some basis for decision-making, what you want to be when you grow up, how to succeed, where you should apply yourself, etc. Continue reading

How Much Do You Need To Know?

CPC-ProtectionInAction-Header-knowledge-centerKnowledge is a great thing! We strive for deeper knowledge at every turn. From a very early age we seek to grow through learning. We learn from our parents as they talk us through new tasks. We learn as we watch people do things we’ve never attempted. We learn from teachers, pastors, grandparents, and so many other grown-ups in our lives. Our society is driven by the idea of gaining knowledge. We ask our young people what their plans are after high school. We apply pressure to our young adults when we ask what they want to “do with the rest of the lives.” It’s all about more and more knowledge! Continue reading

Where’s Waldo?

wheres-waldoHave you ever seen one of those Where’s Waldo books? The premise of the is to find a character on each page. The character is Waldo. He’s dressed in a red and white striped shirt and blue jeans with a stocking cap. Some of the pages are quite easy to find this little man hiding among the green trees. But other pages are almost impossible! I remember a page in a Where’s Waldo book from my childhood that had Waldo in his red and white striped outfit marching with thousands of others in a crowded city. These thousands of others were also wearing red and white stripes and playing instruments. Needless today that one took quite a while to find but I remember the great sense of accomplishment when I was actually able to see Waldo!  Continue reading

5 Ways To Bless Your Neighbors

maxresdefault-10About a year ago we introduced the concept of Christian Neighboring to the congregation I serve. It was a lot of fun, and we were able to make impact in people’s lives as a result. The goal of Christian Neighboring is not to add numbers to the local church. As a matter of fact we don’t really talk all that much about church attendance or membership. The focus is on Jesus and knowing him.  Continue reading

Do I Need Jesus Or Not?

It was a Wednesday morning. I arrived at church a little early to put some finishing touches on a bible study that I had prepared for the ladies at church. We were reading through the book of Romans. It’s a rich book. The thoughts and teachings in this book are some of the heaviest in the entire new testament of the Bible. But they were not unfamiliar teachings to me. I had read these words more times that I can even count. I’ve preached messages on these words. I’ve translated them from their original language to english to help me get a better grasp on their context and meaning. Continue reading

The Story Of Worship

the_way_of_worship-title-2-still-16x9So far in our look at worship, we’ve covered the topics of What Is Worship and Service or Serve Us. This week we look at the storyline of worship. While it may not be as evident to some, there is a storyline to our gatherings of praise and worship. Whether it’s a service built around the historic liturgy or a service using a more modern expression, the story should be similar. From start to finish we can see the story fleshed out in all that happens. It’s a story that mirrors the story of God in the bible. In order to know the story of worship, we must first catch a glimpse of the story of God. Continue reading

Service Or Serve Us

how_shall_we_worship-title-2-still-16x9Last week we looked at the basic idea of what is worship. Simply put, worship is the action of God coming to us and filling us. It’s God inviting us to a time and a place, to a lifestyle of receiving from God then (and only then) do we return with hearts of thankfulness and praise. The whole post on What Is Worship can be found here.

This week we’ll look more at how we are served in worship. It sounds so self-centered to say that worship is about what we receive but in reality that’s what the invitation is all about – God inviting us to receive. Now before we get too deep into this, it’s important to understand one key aspect to this whole receiving business. Worship isn’t about what I want but what I need.  Continue reading

What Is Worship?

As many of you know, I’m a pastor of a church. And a big part of what we do is this thing called worship. We hold it on different days of the week but generally we do this thing on Sunday mornings. There are many styles of worship. Some people use tons of songs while others use none at all. Some worship is packed with teaching and others use an interactive style approach to the time of worship.  Continue reading
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