living for eternity today

Category: Disciple (Page 13 of 19)

Potter’s Hands

Last week we started to talk about clay and a potter’s wheel. We looked at the importance of getting off to a right start by ensuring the clay is in the center of the wheel. When the clay is off-center, well things don’t turn out as planned, but you can read more about that here. This week we’re going to look at how the work gets done, and it has nothing to do with the lump of clay! It’s all about the potter’s hands.  Continue reading

Centered Clay

I’ve never used a potter’s wheel and quite frankly not sure I ever will. But I think there’s a lesson we can learn about life if we look at what goes into making a beautiful vase, or anything for that matter, on a potter’s wheel. Each Wednesday this month we’ll take another look at the wheel from a little different perspective but for today let’s just think about getting ready to make something. We won’t even turn the wheel on yet. We’re just going to sit and look at the wheel and the lump of clay.  Continue reading


traditionFor those of you that know me well, one thing you would certainly not say is that I’m a traditional kind of guy. I don’t sit still long enough to establish traditions. I love to try new things with the intent of meeting and connecting with new people. I’m one of those blaze your own trail kind of guys. Or to quote another phrase grass doesn’t grow under my feet. Continue reading

Why Can’t You See Me?

Can't see meCuts, scars, pimples, blemishes, weight issues, height, dress, muscles or lack of them, hair color, hair style, braces, birthmarks – these things and many more affect the way people see me. But why can’t people see the real me? Why can’t people see beyond the scars and the image in the picture to see who I really am? This is a question with which many struggle – daily.  Continue reading

Too Close To Home


Today at around 10am there was an active shooter alert at the campus of the Ohio State University. In the moment when the news first hit, I was sitting with a member of my congregation whose son was typically in the building that was all over the news. Fear and worry were plastered around the room like graffiti.

The conversation turned from planning and preparation to pause and prayer. Words fell silent as we pulled up social media and news platforms. Fears began to rise as familiar places were flashed across the computer screen on the live news broadcast. Seconds felt like hours between text message updates from those near the scene. The sight of SWAT officers climbing staircases and combing the buildings brought chills. This can’t be happening.

You could hear the thoughts raging in the minds of those in the room. What if the worst happens? Where is my son? I need to hear from him not someone else telling me he’s ok but I need to hear him. Minutes felt like days. News of the all clear made its way around the horn. We breathed a sigh of relief but there was something still a little uneasy. That was far too close to home.

As we went on our ways, I began to ponder the weight of the moment. Productivity was stopped. Innocence was violated. Fear ruled the moment. Everything we thought to be true was turned on its head. This was far too close to home.

But something interesting was going on through it all. This mom and her family, while visibly shaken, were eerily peaceful. Their world was being torn upside down, yet there was something of calm in the moment. The calm didn’t just come when the all-clear was given. No, it was present while the violence was still plastered on the news. The peace was there even when the fear was overwhelming. This was far too close to home to be certain but it wasn’t the end of the world.

As followers of Jesus we believe that Christ has made a difference in our lives today not just in the future. Yesterday I asked in bible class what difference has Jesus made in your life today? While there weren’t a ton of answers to that question in the moment I got the answer I needed today. The difference Jesus made was visible in the peace that I saw in her heart while her eyes were filling with tears. Jesus’ presence was so obvious as she struggled with the horror of the moment all the while maintaining a firm grip on the realities of the day.

It was far too close to home for us to ignore. But so are many other things in our lives. When you’re in the midst of a war for your heart, are you able to know the difference of the Savior who loves you? When you are trapped in the quicksand of despair and depression are there people to whom you can turn for help?

Even though this terrible event happened far too close to home there were hundreds of men and women who rushed in when we ran out. Thank you to those who jumped to defend. Thank you to those who stayed calm and listened to direction. Thank you to the parents who were rocks for your children and to the children who were strong for your parents.

We will navigate this storm together. Let’s lean in to one another and support one another. I am so thankful that all of the students and staff with whom I am connected are safe and out of harms way. This was far too close for comfort and I’m glad you are now back home.

All In


This past weekend I had the wonderful privilege of being the worship leader for the Ohio District Senior High Youth Gathering. The weekend was packed with fun and excitement. We gathered for song. We spent some time unwinding with games. We were able to serve the community in a variety of different ways. We listened to Pastor Matt Popovits bring some terrific news about how God went all in for us. Then we experienced how Jesus is all in for us through worship with communion.  Continue reading

Two Really Big Words

Church Words Wordle

I’ll be the first to admit it. In church-topia we have our own dialect. Sometimes you walk through the doors of a church building on a Sunday morning and it’s like you’ve entered a foreign country. You hear all kinds of things that are just not part of everyday speech. Actually some of the things we do in a worship service are a bit confusing but that’s a topic for another time. Continue reading

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