living for eternity today

Category: Disciple (Page 1 of 18)

Jesus Should Not Be First

Jesus does not want to be first in your life. That might sound shocking, but it’s the truth. Jesus doesn’t ask for first place—He demands the only place. Why? Because He’s not interested in being a slice of your life’s pie chart. He’s not satisfied with being another line item on your endless to-do list. He’s not here to share space with your career, hobbies, relationships, or even your family.

The first commandment makes it painfully clear:
“You shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3)

The Hebrew here is intense. “Before me” literally means “in My face.” God’s saying, “Don’t you dare put anything in My face that tries to compete with Me.” He’s not interested in your priorities; He’s claiming everything.

Here’s the harsh reality: we’ve turned our lives into idol factories. We’re constantly elevating good things—family, work, fitness, finances—into god things. And we love to rank them:

  1. God
  2. Family
  3. Career
  4. Hobbies

That’s a nice, neat little list isn’t it? It feels spiritual. It feels balanced. But it’s a lie. If Jesus is just a “first among equals,” you’ve completely missed the point. He’s not “first.” He’s everything.

Let me say it another way: If Jesus isn’t your everything, He’s nothing. He doesn’t share the throne. He’s not a consultant for your life plan. He’s the King who demands full allegiance.

The Danger of “First”

When we say Jesus is “first,” what we really mean is, “I’ll give Him a little time, energy, and attention, but I’ve got other stuff to do.” We check the box by going to church, reading a quick devotional, or tossing a few bucks into the offering plate. Then we get back to building our own kingdoms.

But Jesus doesn’t want a piece of your life—He wants the whole thing. That’s why He said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)

Deny yourself. Not rearrange your priorities. Not carve out a little Jesus time. Not give Him first dibs. Deny yourself. That means your dreams, your goals, your plans, and yes, even your family, take a back seat to Him.

“No Other Gods” Means NO Other Gods

If we’re being honest, we all have gods in our lives. Some are obvious, like money, success, or relationships. Others are sneakier, like control, comfort, or even religion and tradition. And every single one of them is a direct violation of this first commandment. God doesn’t want your idols managed—He wants them destroyed.

Jesus says it this way. “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” (Matthew 6:24)

There’s no middle ground. You can’t serve Jesus and your career. You can’t serve Jesus and your ego. You can’t serve Jesus and your comfort. You can’t serve Jesus and your tradition. It’s Him or nothing.

So what does it look like to live with Jesus as the only? It’s simple, but it’s not easy:

  • Surrender daily. Start each day by laying your plans, desires, and ambitions at His feet. One way to do this is through prayer. Just start your day with Lord today I need… Then fill in the blank and let God take it from there. Only caveat is that blank has to be something you cannot touch, so no Porsche or Lambo friends!
  • Hold everything loosely. Your family, career, possessions, and even traditions are gifts from God, not gods themselves. Treat them accordingly. When these things help you serve God, they are good things. When they distract you from God, they are god things.
  • Obey without excuses. Stop bargaining with Jesus. When He calls, answer. When He commands, act. No more excuses. It’s time for full on devotion.

Living this way will wreck your life—in the best way possible. It will strip away the false gods you’ve been clinging to and replace them with the only One worth worshiping.

Ok, so here’s the bottom line. Jesus doesn’t want to be first in your life. He wants to be the only. The first commandment isn’t a suggestion; it’s a declaration of war! War against every competing affection in your heart.

So stop ranking Him. Stop fitting Him into your schedule. Stop treating Him like a task to check off. Tear down the idols, clear the stage, and let Him reign as the one true King.

Because if Jesus isn’t the only, He isn’t anything.

Stop Non-Viting and Start Inviting

The need for evangelism in churches has never been greater. People are desperate for hope, searching for meaning, and drowning in the chaos of life. The church has the answer: Jesus. Yet, too often, we fumble the ball when it comes to the most crucial part—inviting people into the life-changing power of the Gospel.

Too many believers think they’re doing evangelism when they say, “You should come sometime.” That’s not evangelism. That’s not even inviting. It’s non-viting.

Non-Vitation: The Lazy Evangelism Killer

Non-vitation is the ultimate cop-out. It sounds good in the moment, but it’s vague, noncommittal, and accomplishes nothing. You know the line, maybe you’ve even used it:

  • “You should come to my church sometime.”
  • “We’ve got great messages; you’d like them.”
  • “Yeah, my church is doing some cool stuff. You should check it out.”

The problem? There’s no invitation! No date, no time, no event, no urgency. You might as well be inviting them to the grand opening of a coffee shop that doesn’t exist.

Non-vitation is why people nod politely and then never show up. It’s why churches see empty pews and declining attendance. It’s why the Gospel is sitting on the sidelines while the world spirals out of control.

Invitation: The Evangelism Game-Changer

It’s time to ditch non-vitation and embrace invitation. Invitation is specific, personal, and compelling. It’s not “you should come sometime.” It’s “Hey, I’d love for you to join me this Sunday at 10:30. We’re talking about hope in hard times, and I think it could really encourage you.”

But invitation doesn’t stop there. It’s not just about getting them in the door. It’s about being there for them when they show up and investing in the relationship. If you invite someone to church, make sure you’re available to meet them at the entrance. Sit with them. Explain what’s happening in the service. And when it’s over, join them for lunch. That’s how relationships are built. That’s how the Gospel becomes real to someone.

I mean look – Jesus didn’t say, “Hey, you should come check out the kingdom of God sometime.” He said, “Come, follow me.” His invitations were personal and direct. They required a response. And guess what? People followed.

Why Evangelism Matters Now More Than Ever

The need for evangelism in churches has never been more urgent. Our world is fractured. Families are struggling. Anxiety, depression, and hopelessness are at an all-time high. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.

Evangelism isn’t just a “nice idea” or a box to check on your Christian to-do list. It’s the heartbeat of the church. Without it, we’re just a holy huddle, a club for the already-convinced.

People need Jesus, and they need you to invite them to meet Him. That’s not someone else’s job. It’s yours. If you’re waiting for a sign, this is it.

Three Steps to Stop Non-Viting and Start Inviting

  1. Be Specific:
    Stop being vague. Name a date, a time, and a place. “Come to Easter service at 9 AM,” or “Join me for our family movie night this Friday.” Make it easy for people to say yes.
  2. Be Personal:
    People don’t just want generic flyers or mass emails. They want you. A personal invitation from someone they know and trust is 10 times more powerful than any social media post or billboard.
  3. Be Relational:
    Don’t stop at the invite. Free up your schedule to be there when they arrive. Sit with them. Answer their questions. Take them to lunch afterward and build the relationship. Evangelism isn’t just about attendance; it’s about connection.

Every non-vitation is a missed opportunity. Every vague, half-hearted “you should come sometime” leaves someone stuck in their pain and searching for answers. That’s the cost of non-vitation.

But the reward of invitation? Lives changed. Hearts healed. Families restored. That’s what happens when you step up and say, “Come and see.”

Let’s Get Serious

Friends, we can’t afford to sit back and hope people wander in. We can’t rely on programs, social media ads, or the “cool factor” to do the work for us. Evangelism is our job. Discipleship isn’t discipleship without inviting others into the journey.

So stop non-viting. Start inviting. Be specific. Be personal. Be relational. The world is waiting, and Jesus is ready to change lives.

What are you waiting for? Make the invitation today.

Big Life, Small Worries

I’ve never really shied away from a hard truth, so here’s one for today. If you’re constantly weighed down by petty drama, meaningless debates, and other people’s chaos, it’s not because life is hard—it’s because your life is too small.

When you’re living small, every little thing feels like a crisis. Someone looked at you funny? You stew over it for days. A co-worker got credit for your idea? You’re ready to quit. A friend didn’t text back? Obviously, it’s the end of the relationship. Someone is busy and misses a meeting that you feel is important? You go WWIII on them.

But the problem isn’t them. It’s you. Or more specifically, the scope of your life.

It’s like this. When you’re focused on building something bigger—living for a purpose, chasing a mission, or pouring yourself out for something that matters—you don’t have time for small worries. Your energy is spent on creating, growing, and changing the world around you.

You can’t live a big life while sweating over small stuff. That math doesn’t math.

The Curse of the Small Life

Small living is self-centered living. Don’t take this the wrong way, but if your world revolves around you—your preferences, your image, your comfort—then every little inconvenience feels like a personal attack. Why? Because small people make themselves the center of the universe.

That’s exhausting. And honestly? It’s unbiblical.

Proverbs 19:11 says, “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.” When your life is big—when you’re focused on God’s purpose and others’ needs—offenses lose their sting. You don’t get rattled by someone cutting you off in traffic or throwing shade on social media because your eyes are fixed on something (or someone) bigger.

But if your world is small, every offense feels monumental. You’re a ship tossed by every wave. You’re fragile. And let’s be real: Nobody wants to live like that.

Get Over Yourself and Get to Work

Living a big life starts with letting go of the need to be right, admired, or even comfortable. It’s not about you. It never was.

Jesus said in Matthew 16:24, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” That’s big living. It’s gritty, uncomfortable, and requires sacrifice. But it’s also the most fulfilling way to live.

Want a big life? Start focusing on what God has called you to do. How about try feeding the hungry. Mentoring a young person. Or just love your neighbor (even the obnoxious ones). Intentionally invest in your family. Step into your church. Go after that dream God planted in your heart.

When you’re busy doing big things, the little things don’t have room to take root. You’ll stop sweating over someone’s tone in an email because you’re too busy planning that next ministry, mission trip, or career step.

Big lives are marked by action, not reaction.

Here’s another punch to the gut: If you’re waiting for life to be perfect before you live big, you’re going to wait forever. The enemy of a big life isn’t failure—it’s fear. Fear of making mistakes, fear of looking stupid, fear of getting hurt.

Newsflash Princess! You’re going to fail. You’ll mess up. People will hurt you. So what?

Living big is messy, but it’s better than the alternative: wasting your life worrying about what doesn’t matter – or meddling in other people’s business!

Start now. Step out. Don’t let the size of your life be dictated by your fears.

The Payoff

When you live big, your worries shrink. Why? Because your perspective changes. You’re not bogged down by trivial things when you’re laser-focused on eternal things.

You’ll notice that small people criticize while big people create. Small people complain while big people serve. Small people cling to their comfort zones while big people break barriers and shatter ceilings.

The choice is yours: Big life, small worries—or small life, big drama.

Jesus didn’t come so you could survive in the shallow end. He came to give you life to the full (see John 10). A big life. A God-sized life. A life that drowns out small worries because it’s consumed with a mission that matters.

So, what’s it going to be? Stay small, or step into something big?

The American Church Needs a New Reformation

Something is wrong with the American church.

Just look around. Our pews are emptying, not filling. Our younger generations are leaving, not staying. In a world desperate for truth, love, and purpose, we’re offering shallow programs, culture wars, and clichés. We preach grace but practice judgment. We sing about God’s power while hoarding human control. The gap between the Jesus of the Bible and the Christianity we practice has grown so wide it threatens to swallow us whole.

We need a new Reformation.

The original Reformation in the early 1500s, led by Martin Luther and several others, exposed how far the church had strayed from the gospel. At its core the Reformation was a cry to return to Scripture and reclaim God’s authority. They dealt with issues of indulgences (selling of forgiveness) and excessive emphasis on paying for salvation with good deeds and with money.

Today, the issue isn’t selling indulgences; it’s peddling irrelevance. We’ve exchanged the radical call of Jesus to love God and neighbor for cheap entertainment, partisan politics, and a consumer mindset.

We’ve turned church into a product—marketed, polished, and packaged to please the masses. And when people inevitably see through the facade, they leave. Some leave the faith altogether. Others leave for churches that embrace authenticity, however messy it may be.

The Weight of Our Failure

This is where the pain sets in. We’re not just losing attendees; we’re losing credibility. The broader culture sees the church as judgmental, hypocritical, and frankly out of touch. How can we blame them? We preach about the sanctity of life while ignoring the cries of the marginalized. We talk about Jesus’ love but fail to embody that love in our own homes, neighborhoods, and communities.

It’s easy to point fingers at the culture for abandoning Christian values. But maybe the culture didn’t abandon us. Maybe we abandoned the Jesus they need to see.

This is bigger than declining numbers or shrinking influence. It’s about souls. People are walking away from the hope of Jesus because they don’t see it in us.

The good news? Reformation isn’t about destruction; it’s about renewal. The first Reformation didn’t burn the church to the ground. It called it back to its foundation. Today’s Reformation must do the exact same thing.

We don’t need better branding. We need deeper discipleship. We don’t need bigger buildings. We need communities that feel like family. And we certainly don’t need more culture wars. We need to take up the only war Jesus called us to fight: against sin, darkness, and injustice.

This new Reformation must start with humility. The American church doesn’t need a PR strategy; it needs repentance. Let’s confess where we’ve put comfort over calling, self-righteousness over servanthood, and fear over faith.

The church also needs courage. The truth is, a reformed church won’t make everyone happy. But our goal isn’t to please people; it’s to glorify God. Let’s have the guts to challenge the idols we’ve built in His name—idols of politics, tradition, and power.

A reformed church could be a breathtaking force for good. Imagine churches known for their generosity, not their greed. Imagine Christians famous for their kindness, not their outrage. Imagine communities transformed because the love of Jesus shines so brightly that people can’t help but be drawn to it.

We’ve seen glimpses of this throughout history. The early church grew because it loved so radically that outsiders said, “See how they love one another!” The Wesleyan revival in England led to societal reforms that changed the nation. The Jesus Movement of the 70s brought countless young people to faith.

God isn’t done with His church. But He’s waiting for us to stop clinging to the past and start embracing His future.

The new Reformation won’t come from church growth seminars or celebrity pastors. It will come from ordinary Christians rediscovering what it means to follow Jesus. It will come from pastors bold enough to preach the gospel and lead with integrity. It will come when we stop playing church and start being the church.

Let’s not wait for someone else to start it. Revival begins in hearts, homes, and local congregations like yours and mine. Let’s pray for it. Let’s work for it. Let’s believe for it.

The world doesn’t need more American Christianity. It needs more Jesus. Are we ready to give it to them?

Make Faith Real Again

Faith isn’t something you learn at church or in Sunday School; it’s something you live. Too often, Christians settle for reading, hearing, and seeing when God has called us to actually live out in our day to day lives.

Have you ever heard the statistics about what you remember? You remember 10% of what you read, 20% of what you hear, 30% of what you see, 50% of what you see and hear, but 70% of what you experience is remembered. If we want a faith that sticks—one that changes lives, including our own—we must move from passive absorption to active engagement.

Faith That Doesn’t Move Isn’t Faith

James 2:17 couldn’t be more clear. “Faith without works is dead.” Yet so many of us are stuck in the comfortable rhythms of church life: attending a service, hearing a sermon, maybe cracking open the Bible during the week. It’s good, but it’s not enough. Why? Because faith isn’t just about knowing; it’s about doing.

Think about it: Jesus didn’t sit His disciples down for weekly lectures and send them off with a pat on the back. He took them on a journey. He showed them how to heal the sick, feed the hungry, and love the outcast. Then He sent them out to do it themselves.

You can memorize every verse on love, but until you sit down with someone who’s hurting and listen, it’s just head knowledge. You can attend every Bible study on evangelism, but until you open your mouth to share the gospel with a neighbor, you haven’t truly learned it. Faith grows in the doing.

It’s no accident that we remember 70% of what we experience. God wired us this way because faith was never meant to be a spectator sport. It’s hands-on. Even Jesus was to “Follow me,” not “Listen to me.” Following requires movement.

Here’s the truth: if your faith feels stagnant, it’s because you’re not stepping into the experience of it. Reading about God’s love is one thing, but serving at a soup kitchen or mentoring a struggling teenager brings that love to life. Hearing a sermon about forgiveness is valuable, but going to someone who’s wronged you and saying, “I forgive you” burns it into your own heart the way nothing else can.

Christianity isn’t a weekly TED Talk; it’s a lifestyle. Every act of service, every step of obedience, every leap of faith engrains God’s truths deeper into your soul.

This isn’t just about retention rates—it’s about transformation. When you put your faith into action, it doesn’t just stick with you—it impacts the world around you.

  • Read about God’s call to feed the hungry, but then go and pack lunches for the homeless.
  • Hear a sermon on loving your enemies, then invite someone you’ve been avoiding out for coffee.
  • See a video about the power of prayer, but then get on your knees and cry out to God for someone in need.

You’ll be amazed at how much more these truths resonate when they’re tied to an experience. It’s not about “earning” your faith; it’s about letting your actions solidify what God is teaching you.

A little challenge for you this week – stop sitting in the pew and start stepping into the world. Don’t just hear the Word—do something with it. If we want our faith to stick, we’ve got to get our hands dirty.

This week, pick one area where you can shift from hearing to experiencing. Serve, give, forgive, pray, or take a step into the unknown. Whatever it is, make it tangible.

Faith that sits still fades quickly. Faith that moves grows roots. Let’s be Christians who don’t just listen to the call of Jesus but answer it with bold, undeniable action.

You remember 70% of what you experience—so start living a faith you’ll never forget.

Discipleship Beyond Sunday

If your faith only shows up on Sunday, then you’re missing the whole point. Christianity isn’t a “Sunday-only” deal. It’s not about showing up for an hour of worship, saying all the right things, and then living the other six days of the week on autopilot. True discipleship means intentionally following Jesus 24/7—living your life as if you actually believe what you say you believe. It’s about letting your faith shape every part of your life, not just your church life.

So, here’s the hard truth: discipleship doesn’t stop when the benediction is over. In fact, that’s when it really begins. Discipleship is about aligning your life with Jesus, not just in words but in action, day in and day out. It’s about living with purpose, prioritizing people, and sharing the love of Christ in real, tangible ways.

Ready to go beyond Sunday? Here are three practical ways to live out discipleship in your everyday life.

1. Show Up for People

Discipleship isn’t just about Bible studies and prayer groups. It’s about bringing Christ’s love into every setting. You know all those places where you live, work, and play. Contrary to popular belief: you don’t have to preach sermons to share Jesus (actually please don’t!), but you can live in a way that makes people wonder, What’s different about them? Make it your goal to show up for people with empathy, integrity, and respect. Don’t just say you care – actually care! When a coworker’s struggling, don’t brush it off—take the time to listen. Offer a word of encouragement. Ask how you can help.

Start each day with a prayer asking God to help you see your coworkers and neighbors through Jesus’ eyes. When they feel genuinely valued and cared for, you’re living out discipleship in a way that speaks louder than words. This is kingdom work in the everyday grind.

2. Turn Your Home into a Faith Training Ground

Family life is messy and busy, but it’s also the perfect training ground for discipleship. If you’re a parent, don’t let faith only show up in mealtime prayers, as if you need help not choking on your food. Talk about God openly and naturally with your kids. Share stories of how you’ve seen God work in your life, in big and small ways. Ask them what they think about God, what questions they have, and how they’d like to pray.

If you live with friends or roommates, this applies to you too—make room for open conversations about faith, accountability, and growth. Choose one night a week to read a short Bible passage together and discuss it over dinner. Make your home a place where talking about Jesus is natural, not forced or weird.

3. Post with Purpose

Let’s face it, social media is where many of us spend far too much time. And for a good number of us, it’s a breeding ground for comparison, anger, and divisiveness. But here’s a radical idea: what if you treated your online presence as part of your discipleship? This doesn’t mean you need to start plastering Bible verses on every post, but it does mean using your influence wisely. Before you post, ask yourself: Does this bring people closer to God or push them away?

I’d recommend this approach to text messages and emails as well because I’ve been on the receiving end of some less than God honoring emails and texts in my life.

A good practice is to share content that reflects the hope, peace, and love you find in Jesus. Engage in conversations that are meaningful rather than mindless. Be intentional about the way you represent yourself online, and let your social media reflect the faith you live out every day.

And don’t have hard conversations over any form of media. Challenging topics should always be covered face to face when at all possible. And if face to face can’t happen, a phone call is the next best option. You’re not going to win someone over through a text, email or social media conversation.

True discipleship means living your faith boldly every day, not just in a pew on Sunday. When you start seeing every part of your life—work, family, even social media—as an opportunity to follow Jesus, you’ll find that discipleship isn’t just a “church thing.” It’s a life thing. So, take the next step. Don’t let your faith be a Sunday-only affair. Let it shape who you are every single day.

Drop the Scarcity Mindset

It’s time to face an uncomfortable truth: someone else’s win doesn’t mean you’re losing. We’ve all felt it—the sting of jealousy when a friend gets a promotion, the bitterness when someone achieves something for which we’re still praying. It’s easy to think, “Why not me?” That thought right there? It’s toxic. It’s what’s called scarcity mindset creeping in, whispering lies that there isn’t enough for everyone.

But that’s a load of garbage!

God is not running out of blessings. His abundance is limitless. Stop acting like His blessings are on backorder just because someone else’s life is flourishing. When you see others succeed, your gut reaction shouldn’t be to shrink in self-pity. Instead, throw them a fist bump, celebrate, and trust that God is still in control. If God’s doing amazing things for them, He’s in the neighborhood—your blessing might be just around the corner.

Scarcity tells you that someone else’s success means less for you. It says there’s only so much to go around, and if they get it, you’re stuck with scraps at best. But the Bible blows that lie out of the water. Philippians 4:19 tells us, “My God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.” There’s no cap on God’s goodness.

When we cling to a scarcity mindset, we lose sight of what we actually have. We get so caught up in envy, we forget about the resources, talents, and opportunities already in our hands. God has uniquely equipped YOU to fulfill His purpose for your life. So why are you wasting time comparing your journey to someone else’s?

Here’s the truth: someone else’s blessing doesn’t put you in a drought. We need to reprogram our thinking. You can celebrate others and still pray for your own breakthrough. God’s grace isn’t a pie with limited slices—it’s endless. If we stop grasping for what others have and start thanking God for His provision, we’ll realize how much He’s already given us.

So the next time someone around you wins, drop the scarcity mindset. Cheer them on, and while you’re at it, pray with faith that God’s going to keep showing up for you, too. Then take a second to give thanks for the things you do have in life. We all have something for which we can give thanks. Recognizing blessings is a sure fire way to see that you have more than you thought.

Wake-Up Call for the Church

The church is bleeding members, and young women are leading the exodus. A recent USA Today article published on August 13, 2024, highlighted a grim reality: Americans are becoming less religious. But it’s not just a general decline. There’s a specific and alarming trend that should have every church leader’s attention—young women are walking away from the church, and they’re not looking back. I know full well that some people won’t like this message, others will think I’ve lost my noggin, and a few might resonate here. But the fact of the matter is ignoring the problem won’t make it go away. We need to do something and we need to do it fast.

Why Are They Leaving?

The answer isn’t what many will want to hear and others will flat deny this is real but the church has failed to create a space where young women feel valued, heard, and seen. They’re not leaving because they’re lazy or even because they’re uninterested in faith. They’re leaving because the church in many cases doesn’t recognize their worth. It doesn’t challenge them to take ownership of their faith or provide them with opportunities to lead.

The church has become a place where women are almost expected to be seen but not heard. They’re given roles that keep them in the background at best —hospitality, children’s ministry, maybe a women’s Bible study leader if they’re lucky. But when it comes to real leadership, when it comes to making decisions that shape the direction of the church, they’re often sidelined. And according to the article, young women are tired of it.

It’s time for a revolution in the church, in more ways than one but we’ll stay focused on this one topic. This isn’t about simply checking off a box to say, “We have women in leadership.” It’s about fundamentally rethinking how we structure leadership in the local church to empower women to take ownership of their faith while recognizing them for their contributions.

Ownership of Faith

Young women today are more educated, more connected, and more passionate than ever before. They’re not interested in a passive faith system that has them making jello salad as their contribution to the body of Christ. They want to engage and be engaged. They want to lead. They want to make a difference. But the church has often failed to provide them with the tools and, even more so the opportunities to do so.

It’s time to stop treating young women as though they’re merely the future of the church. They are the church…right now. They have a voice, they have ideas, and they have the ability to lead. But are we listening? Are we giving them the space to take ownership of their faith? Or are we holding onto structures that keep them in the background? Have we taken one Bible verse and broadened it so far that it no longer means what it says?

Recognizing the efforts of young women in the church isn’t just about saying “thank you” or giving them a pat on the back. It’s about giving them the same respect, authority, and leadership opportunities that we so freely offer to men. It’s about acknowledging that the church cannot survive, let alone thrive, without their contributions.

When young women see that their efforts are recognized, that their voices are heard, and that their leadership is valued, they will stay. They will invest in the church, they will bring others along, and they will lead the way in making the church relevant for future generations. Women have quickly become the gatekeepers of spirituality in their homes.

Church, it’s time to wake up. The exodus of young women from our congregations isn’t just a passing trend—it’s a warning. If we continue down this path, we risk losing an entire generation of women who could have been powerful leaders, teachers, disciples, and disciple-makers. We must act now to rethink our structures, to give women the ownership of their faith that they deserve, and to recognize them for their invaluable contributions.

This isn’t about filling pews. It’s not even merely about the survival of the church. If we fail to act, the church will continue to shrink, not because of external pressures, but because we refused to acknowledge the gifts and callings of half of the body of Christ. But it only changes if we wake up and cherish each part of the body as integral to the rest of the body.

No More Apples

Think you’re just an apple in a basket, waiting to be picked or discarded? Wrong. You’re an orchard in disguise, brimming with potential that could feed nations, change lives, and alter the course of history—if you’d just wake up to it.

I recently heard the line Within every apple there’s an orchard. I did not come up with this and its origin is unknown, but I feel there’s power in this thinking. This isn’t just a feel-good quote to throw on social media and forget. It’s a battle cry, a declaration of war against mediocrity, and a direct challenge to the excuses you’ve been feeding yourself for too long.

The Apple Mindset

Too many people are stuck in the “apple” mindset. You know the type. They see themselves as small, ordinary, just trying to get by without making too much noise. They’ve bought into the lie that they’re just one in a million—replaceable, forgettable, insignificant.

But here’s the truth: you’re not just an apple. Inside you is the seed of something far greater. You have the power to grow, to expand, to become an orchard—a force of nature that can produce fruit for generations to come. The potential within you is limitless, but it’s useless unless you recognize it and do something about it.

We can’t stop there either. If you’re a Christian, this concept hits even closer to home. Within every Christian, there isn’t just potential for personal growth—there’s the potential to build a whole community of faith. Just like the orchard in the apple, there’s a church, a body of believers, a thriving community within you waiting to be cultivated.

Too many Christians walk around with a small vision, thinking that faith is a private matter, something personal and contained. We treat ministry like it’s something we can hire someone else to do for us. But the truth is, Christianity is meant to be lived out…in community…by everyone! Your faith isn’t just about you; it’s about the people where you live, work, and play.

Your faith isn’t meant to stay locked in the walls of your heart or the pews of a church. It’s meant to grow, to spread, to multiply. Just like an orchard starts with one apple, a thriving community of faith starts with one believer—one person willing to plant seeds of love, kindness, and truth in the lives of others.

Stop Settling

The problem is, most people settle for the apple when they could have the whole orchard. They settle for a paycheck when they could have financial freedom. They settle for good when they could have great. Why? Because they’re scared? Because they don’t believe in themselves? Because they’ve been conditioned to think small.

You need to start thinking like the orchard, not the apple. The orchard doesn’t just survive—it thrives. It doesn’t just exist—it expands. It takes up space, it demands attention, and it produces more than enough. The orchard is the picture of abundance, and that abundance is within your reach. It’s easy to see the limits of scarcity but Jesus took our scarcity and showed how abundant it truly was.

How to Cultivate Your Orchard and Your Community

I know I poke holes in status quo a lot on here. So here are some practical steps for shifting that focus. How do you tap into this orchard within you? How do you break free from the apple mindset and start living up to your true potential—both in your personal life and as a follower of Jesus? Here are a few thoughts:

  1. Imagination: First, you need to see the orchard. You need to believe that there’s more to you than what meets the eye. You need to imagine what life could be if you stopped settling and started striving. As a follower of Jesus, you need to see the community within you and believe that your faith can impact others.
  2. Farming Framework: Understand that the orchard doesn’t appear overnight. It takes time, effort, and patience. But it all starts with the seed—your potential. Nurture it, protect it, and watch it grow. In the same way, start small in your own circle—share your faith, serve others, and watch as your impact multiplies. Look at the relationships that already exist in your life. Why do you think God put those people here at this moment?
  3. Nike: Stop waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect opportunity, or the perfect conditions. Just Do It! Start planting today. Take action, no matter how small, toward your goals. Every seed you plant today is a tree that will bear fruit tomorrow. Don’t just attend church—be the church. Get involved, serve, and lead. Move from observing the faith in others and start owning the faith in you.
  4. Perseverance: Don’t give up when things get tough. Orchards face storms, droughts, and pests, but they survive because they are deeply rooted. Be resilient. Stay the course. In your faith, hold on to God’s promises and continue to sow seeds of righteousness, even when it’s hard.
  5. Harvest: Finally, don’t be afraid to reap the rewards of your hard work. When your orchard starts to bear fruit, don’t apologize for success. Share it, enjoy it, and let it inspire others to cultivate their own. As a Christian, celebrate the growth of your community and continue to foster the faith in others. Raise up new leaders and begin leaving a legacy of discipleship for those that will come after you.

You can sit there and let life pass you by, or you can realize that you’re carrying an orchard within you. You can choose to stay small, or you can unleash the abundance that’s been inside you all along.

Don’t let another day go by without tapping into your true potential. Don’t waste another minute thinking you’re just an apple when you could be so much more. The world needs your orchard—it needs what only you can provide.

And as a Christian, remember that your faith is the seed of something far greater. It’s the foundation of a community, a church, a movement. It’s time to stop thinking small and start cultivating the orchard within you.

Within every apple there’s an orchard. It’s time you start believing it.

I Fear We’re Insane

It’s time to wake up. We’ve all heard that insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. Yet, how often do we fall into this trap? We cling to traditions, methods, and mindsets that have long outlived their effectiveness, hoping they’ll somehow bring revival. Newsflash: They won’t! It’s time to wake up, shake off the dust of complacency, and start thinking bigger, bolder, and differently if we truly want to fulfill the mission Christ has given us.

The Comfort of Tradition

Tradition feels safe, doesn’t it? It’s that well-worn path we’ve walked for decades, the familiar liturgy, the same order of service, the predictable sermons, the tried and true programs. But let’s be honest—how much of this is bearing fruit? We’re too often wrapped in the warm, comfortable blanket of “how we’ve always done it,” forgetting that comfort isn’t the goal—discipleship is. And discipleship is not the same as pew sitting membership!

Here’s the hard truth: If we keep doing church the way we’ve always done it, we’ll keep getting the same results we’ve always gotten. And let’s face it, those results aren’t cutting it. Look around. Are our churches filled with the lost, the broken, the desperate souls we’re called to reach? Or are they filled with empty seats and stagnant faith? If we want to see change, we need to change first.

Don’t be delusional!

But we’re making progress! is a line I hear from time to time. Sure, maybe your attendance numbers are steady, maybe your programs are running smoothly. But is that the kind of progress Christ called us to? Or are we just busy maintaining the status quo, confusing busyness with real kingdom impact?

I don’t want to burst your bubble here but true progress isn’t about keeping the church doors open. It’s about opening the doors of our hearts and minds to new ways of reaching the lost, discipling believers, and transforming our communities. It’s about stepping out in faith, even when it feels uncomfortable and even dangerous, and trusting that God will meet us in the unknown.

If we’re not constantly evaluating and adjusting our approach, if we’re not willing to disrupt our routines for the sake of the gospel, we’ll find ourselves far from the vibrant, living body of Christ we’re meant to be.

If your goal doesn’t need God, it’s not big enough.

Thinking bigger isn’t just a suggestion; it’s a divine mandate. We serve a God who is infinitely creative, who specializes in doing new things (Isaiah 43:19). If we’re not willing to think bigger, to dream beyond our current limitations, we’re limiting God’s work in and through us. And frankly we’re dreaming man size dreams in a God sized world.

Ask yourself—and your church—some tough questions. What have we been avoiding because it feels too risky? What traditions have we clung to, not because they’re effective, but because they’re comfortable? What new methods, new ideas, new visions have we dismissed because they didn’t fit our comfortable way of doing things?

God is calling us to break free from the mold, to challenge the status quo, and to step into a new level of faith. If we’re not willing to do that, we’re not just stagnating; we’re disobeying the call to go into all the world and make disciples (Matthew 28:19).

One small step for man…

The unknown is scary. It’s like standing on the edge of a cliff, wondering if you’ll survive the leap. But here’s the thing: The church isn’t called to play it safe. We’re called to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). And faith doesn’t thrive in the familiar; it grows in the unknown. When those men stepped off the shuttle for the first time, it was the largest small step anyone could ever take.

Every time we choose comfort over calling, tradition over transformation, we’re choosing to stay small. But when we take a step of faith, when we’re willing to leave the safety of the boat and walk on water, that’s when we see God move in miraculous ways.

If we keep doing church the way we’ve always done it, we’ll keep getting the same results we’ve always gotten. But if we’re willing to think bigger, take risks, and to embrace the unknown, we’ll see God do things we never imagined.

The church doesn’t need more people who are content with the status quo. We need committed disciples who are willing to challenge the norm, to dream bigger dreams, and to step out in bold faith. Stop settling for the same old results. Start living out the kind of radical, world-changing faith that Jesus modeled.

Because the only thing that’s truly insane is thinking the church can stay the same and somehow, magically, fulfill its mission in a changing world.

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