There’s an old camp song that many of us in “church-topia” used to sing called It only takes a spark. The idea is that God is ready to light us on fire with passion and desire to share the love of Jesus with the world around us. The message is so simple and the song so calming. 

It only takes a spark to get a fire going.

Go ahead, sing the rest of the song. I’ll wait…

I recently stumbled across a new version of this song. Similar message but a totally different feel. It’s a prayer song. A song that is filled with a prayer for God to light a fire in us. We tend to diminish the things God calls us to do. Don’t get me wrong. We believe God wants to do something in the world. But there’s no way he wants to do something through us. After all there are much more qualified people out there to do this kind of work. We make excuses and try to convince God that he has it all wrong. While we may never say it exactly like that, it’s really the message we’re trying to send.

Now take a look at the stars. They have no inherent ability to shine on their own. They are just balls of gas that absorb the light shined on them and then reflect that light in every direction. So what happens if we see ourselves as stars? Some of us might be more balls of gas than others but that’s not the point. The point is do we just reflect the light that’s been shined on/in us? A star doesn’t think about what it’s supposed to do, it just does it.

If you knew and I really believed that we carried the real presence of the power of Jesus inside us, then we’d have a passion that wouldn’t be quenched. The bible clearly teaches this very fact. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 13:5 Or do you not realize about yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you?  The same Jesus that created the world, that lived perfectly, that died sinlessly, that rose to set you free – that same Jesus lives in you and me. That same Jesus is ready to unleash his holy passion and fire in your heart.

And all he asks is that we let him shine through us. Pretty easy actually. So easy that we complicate it. We act as if there were more to it. We talk about faith as if it’s something we do to earn salvation. But faith is that which holds onto what Jesus has done to save us. So for now, we just Burn Like A Star. Let Jesus shine through you. Let the power of the presence of Jesus be evident where you live, work, and play.