I remember as a child wanting to be Superman. I wanted to be this particular superhero because he was always Superman, even when he was dressed up like Clark Kent. But there was something else about Superman. He was invincible. I remember wanting to be invincible as a child. I wanted the power to have nothing affect me. I wanted to be bulletproof!

Lots of ink has been spilled over the section of the Bible known as the Armor of God. We talk about it from a spiritual attack angle quite frequently but what if the armor of God was actually something that helped in our everyday situations too? What if this same bulletproof armor helped us when we were afraid of making a mistake? What if it had something to do with getting us out of a bind? What if this armor was there to provide protection when we were faced with challenges and hurtful situations?

You see, you don’t have to be a superhero like Superman to be bulletproof. You don’t need to be made of steel to let the bullets of life bounce off of you. You don’t need to be perfect to be invincible. This week’s music Monday song is a reminder that we already are bulletproof.

When we spend our days focusing on the problems and the bad moments from our past and present, it’s easy to feel like we’re under attack. But when we focus on the armor of God that has been given to us, we realize quickly that there’s nothing that can overcome us.

One of my favorite truths that comes out of Romans 8 is that there’s nothing you can do to make God love you anymore and there’s nothing you can do to make God love you any less. The point of God’s love is that he loves us always and his love is what truly makes us bulletproof.