LarsonSeveral weeks ago a good friend of mine moved away. Not just around the corner or to a new church, but he move across the country. I have to be honest and tell you that I was not all that excited about this. But I knew that he was going where he needed to go. After making his decision to go, he packed up the family and the belongings and headed across the country for a new start. 

But he left something behind that I wanted to share. He left behind a bit of a legacy. I remember vividly the first time we met. I remember sharing visions for ministry and where God had taken us through our individual lives. We worked on some mission statement material for the church we served together which inspired us to share our personal mission statements. His will always stick with me – Building bridges to the church’s future.

I’m not sure why but this phrase is so vivid in my mind. When I hear those words, I can see something that must happen. In our world the church is losing steam. Churches are closing and people are finding different ways to express their faith. It’s happening in large part because the church is a bit stuck. We’re sitting on an island and are in need of a bridge. We need a bridge of practical methods upon which we can lead the followers of Jesus back into the world. To be quite honest we need bridge builders.

As I survey the landscape of the church in North America, I’m dishearten by the number of fort builders that are present. Building forts might have worked for a time but that time is not now. Forts are great if people are coming to them to use them. But the problem we’re facing now is that the world isn’t looking for the church anymore. The church has built too big a fort that it’s turned into a member’s only club, at least that’s the perception that it gives the world.

But what would happen if we had more bridge builders? What would happen if there were more people like my friend, Brian, who were willing to move his family across the country because of his passion for God’s message of love and forgiveness? The bridge that leads to the church’s future is a bridge that finds one end firmly rooted in the truth of Jesus’ love and grace extended to all people. But that bridge has its other end grounded in the community surrounding it. Bridge builders like Brian are working to establish systems and encourage passion in the inhabitants of the Churched Island. Bridge builders take the mission of God in the world seriously and see a future for the church. They are open to the guiding of God’s Holy Spirit to direct them to the people for whom Jesus gave up his life.

I’m excited to say that I too believe that God has called me to build bridges. It’s time we had more Bridge Building Brian’s in this world. Build a bridge for the sake of the gospel today. Bring the message of God’s love out of the building and into the community as live the calling of God each and every day.

While I miss having him around, I know that as my Bridge Building brother began his new job today – he’s already started to survey the landscape for where that next bridge will be built. Keep building those bridges for the glory of God.