CampfireThe Kingdom of God is a pretty key topic in the New Testament. The gospels contain many references to the coming of the God’s kingdom. But there’s an interesting fact about the times Jesus refers to his kingdom. Whenever Jesus references his kingdom, he does it in the present tense? That’s a pretty important reality for you and me today as followers of Jesus. 

The fact of the matter is, God’s kingdom has come already. Now let’s be honest. The kingdom we see today isn’t exactly always what we’d expect from the Kingdom of God. The kingdom of God that we see is somewhat broken to put it mildly. But it’s his kingdom nonetheless. The idea of God’s kingdom being here and now is vital to our understanding about how God operates in the world today.

Look at it this way. The bible refers to the presence of Jesus being revealed to us daily. Paul tells us that the we are the temple of God’s own Spirit. When you think of it this way, we then carry in us the kingdom of God. True, we’re sinful and broken but God has entrusted his Kingdom to us! That’s pretty cool stuff. God’s Kingdom…is in you! What a refreshing thing to realize that God values you that much.

The whole point of this song is to help us realize that God wants to reign in our hearts. The song is a prayer that God would unleash his power in our hearts and in our lives. It’s a prayer that God would turn us loose on the world, that the world might know the presence of Christ through our lives. The key to this whole song is that we are God’s hope on earth.

As God’s Kingdom we are the hope of the earth. We are the hope of the earth as we live out the calling of God on our lives. So live out the calling of Christ in your lives. Be His Kingdom where you live, work and play.