I’m not sure about you but so often I look at my life and realize that I am certainly not worthy to have the things I have. True I’ve worked hard to be where I am. I’ve gone to school and graduated with pretty good grades. I’ve held jobs I didn’t like and work some pretty killer hours to make a decent living, but these things don’t make me worthy. They just show my work ethic. When I talk worthy, I mean that I really don’t deserve the goodness that’s in my life. 

This week’s Music Monday is about worth, value and the great reversal. Imagine standing at the gates of heaven. Imagine God asking you why should I let you in. What would you say? Some of us would try to dig up the good things we’ve done. Some of us would lean into our strengths and how good of a person we are. But what if instead we just leaned.

Leaning is a position of dependence. It’s almost weak. Leaning is the posture of faith. It’s about trusting in something or someone to hold you up. Leaning is about relying on someone else’s strength. Now think about that same encounter with God. Why should I let you in?

The simple answer is You shouldn’t, but your grace says you can’t keep me out.  Think about it. God doesn’t want you all polished and perfect. He wants you broken and a mess. He doesn’t want you to get your life together before you start to follow Him. He wants you to come to him with the junk of life covering you. He wants your pain, your loneliness, your sickness. He wants all of you.

God is in the business of working with broken things. He is in the business of taking broken and seemingly worthless things and making them strong, valued and worthy. By the grace of God we are made first even though we are last.

Enjoy this week’s song but more importantly enjoy the reality that in Christ you are worthy.