You’ll ever be enough. you’ll never match up to what everyone else is doing. You’ll never be the good enough version of yourself that you’re trying to be. You’re too short. You’re not smart enough. You’re too ____. The lies keep swarming around us like we’re a swarm of bees around a bee hive. But these aren’t the only ones we hear. There are plenty more! You have to put in a few more hours. You have to buy that new ____ because everyone else has one! You have to… You must do… You just need…

What lies do you hear screaming in your ear the most? Are they lies about self-worth? Are they lies about being enough? Are they lies about your looks? Are they lies about what you’ll never be able to do? Are they voices that yell at you through the mirror? Maybe the scale? Maybe the pile of work on your desk.

There are some in this world who are going to tell you that this is where your worth is found. They’re going to tell you to just push harder, dig deeper and you’ll eventually amount to something!

But what if I were to tell you that this isn’t your fight? What if I were the one to tell you that the places you’re running aren’t going to fill you? You see we try to find heroes in a variety of places in our lives. We sometimes make ourselves out to be heroes by all that we can accomplish! We look for a hero in a diet fad or exercise routine. We find heroes in friends and family. Some even find a “hero” of sorts in their addiction to work, alcohol, or pornography (among many other things).

But today I want to share with you the best news ever! The long and short of this news is that the battle you’re fighting is already won! The best news ever is that you are fighting a giant that’s been slain, a villain that’s been vanquished  a fear that’s been buried away.

You see lately I’ve been really drawn to this idea of rescue and heroes and giants and villains. We all want a perfect hero to come to our rescue and save the day. Many of us struggle with the idea that somehow we’re the hero, but then something blindsides us and knocks us off of our game. Then we soon realize we were not the hero after all!

The best news ever says that we don’t need to look for a hero any longer. He’s already here! He’s not just here. He’s already defeated the enemies in your life. He beat your giant. Vanquished your foes. He is victorious and now because he’s victorious you are too!

So the best news ever is that Jesus is greater than your favorite superhero!