I have to say my favorite time of year is just around the corner. The Fall is the season when the world, in my opinion, is at its peak. Few things are more beautiful than the feel of the cool morning air, the sound of people having fun outside, the color on the trees changing to vibrant shades of orange and red. Few things in life are more precious than the pink and purple highlights in the sky on one of those breathtaking sunsets (or for us morning people a striking sunrise). But one thing is significantly more beautiful than all of these. 

This might sound like a strange request but I’ve been called strange on more than one occasion! So I’m going to ask you to go look at yourself in the mirror. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

No really I’m not going anywhere. If you’re reading this on your phone, then go ahead and click to your camera and look at yourself as if you were taking a selfie.

I’m serious. This is important. Go look at yourself.

What did you see? How would you describe yourself? Would you say that you are beautiful? Would you say that you are priceless? Would you say that you are one in a million? When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you really see?

Unfortunately most of us look, not only at ourselves but also others, with our eyes closed. We see the outward stuff but fail to see the real person. We look at things like height and weight. We judge people by the sound of their voice or even by their lisp. For many of us, beauty is something always referring to someone else. But what if that word was supposed to be yours? What if the colors of the Fall, the unmatched magnificence of a rainbow, or the gorgeous sunrise paled in comparison to the beauty that is found in you?

This week’s Music Monday selection is a reminder that God makes beautiful things. He makes them out of unlikely substances. He makes beauty out of broken. God is in the business of turning something simple, something ordinary into something as precious and irreplaceable as you.

Now, go back to that mirror. Look at what’s right in front of you and remember God doesn’t make junk! Remind yourself God makes things beautiful, beautiful things just like you. 
