Throughout my childhood I loved the stars and all things space. It’s probably no wonder why I enjoyed the original Star Wars trilogy growing up. Space was and still is truly fascinating! One thing about space that always has thrilled me was the concept that the moon has no light of its own to shine but merely reflects everything the sun gives it.

I’m no scientist or studier of the stars but if this really is true, then we need to be like the moon. The moon is held in orbit by the gravitational forces imposed on it and it only reflects the light that is shined on it. If we were like the moon, then we’d stay in proper orbit around the Son of God and we’d reflect His light into the world in which we live.

There you have it. We’ve been called sheep in the bible and numbered like the stars in the sky and grains of sand on the shore, but now we are also supposed to be like the moon! Reflect away my friends.