This Sunday we start a new series at Living Word Galena titled Be Rich. This series is all about looking at our lives with a different set of lenses. This series isn’t only about finances, although admittedly there is a financial aspect to our being rich. We’re also looking at time and energy and reflection. How do you spend your life? That’s the real question we’re addressing over the next several weeks. 

In the first week of this series we’re specifically looking at the leftovers. This is the part of our lives we call margin. In a book a margin serves the purpose of giving our eyes room to focus. If there are too many words on a page we can’t see what’s going on. The same is true for the different parts of our lives. When we live too closely to the edges of our ability, we lose focus and get stressed! For our purposes we’ll define margin as the distance between what we have and what we need.

When we live too closely to the edges of our lives, we eliminate margin. When we eliminate margin, we become more focused on ourselves and fail to do the one thing Paul tells us to do in 1 Timothy 6:18.

They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share. 1 Timothy 6:18 Share on X

This week as you prepare for worship, take a second and read 1 Timothy 6:17-19. Think of ways you might be richer than you realize. Then consider how you might use your richness for good.